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The 10 Strangest Things You Can Buy on Amazon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

It’s no secret that there are some pretty strange things on the internet, including my own recent searches. A quick look at my history tells me that in the past week I have looked up the following: Aristotilian concept of rights, eyelash extensions groupon nyc, Zayn Malik with puppy and Rob Kardashian photos 2016. Believe it or not, that assortment of “research” is not even close to the weird Amazon.com searches that resulted in this article. Below are 10 of the strangest pieces of merchandise that are avaliable for purchase on the site. 


1) A Sexy Inflatable Sheep

For about $5 you can purchase this interesting toy for grownups that has surely been the guest of honor at many a fraternity party. For no money at all, you can treat yourself to reading the buyer comments on Amazon including one from world’s best (worst?) potential mother-in-law who bought this for her daughter’s boyfriend. 


2) Penis Mask 

To protect your identity when out and about with your lady sheep friend, this gag gift (no pun intended) is sure to impress, or at the very least get you politely escorted out of any family friendly establishments. 

3) Yodeling Pickle

Not a regular pickle, but a COOL pickle! Gone are the days of wishing you had a pickle that could belt out a mountain tune. 

4) Emergency Underwear

While this is arguably the least strange and most practical of the 10 products, try to picture a sulty Justin Bieber staring into the camera and cooing “You want to know what comes between me and my Emergency Underpants? Nothing” without laughing. 


5) Vagina Chocolate Candy Molds

A real comment left on the site in regards to this product: “Perfect for chocolate OR soap!” #Versatile

6) Money Sweatsuit

There is a 99% chance Meek Mill owns this and if so there is a 100% chance Drake will make sure the world knows it in his next song. 

7) The Dildo in the Basement

When you’ve read just about all of the Stephen King that you can stand, pick up this thriller and be sure to splurge for a physical copy that you can read blatantly on the train or at your favorite little cafe. 

8) #erection phone case

For your favorite dirty minded minimalist millenial. Also *BONUS* it is available in rubber! 

9) Kim KardashianxMona Lisa pillow case

Live like Kanye and kuddle up to Kim herself. Try not to have nightmares. For optimal design effect, plop this on top of the plastic covered couches at your grandma’s house. 


10) Presidential Face Props

With President’s Day rapidly approaching, these statement masks say “I can speak in depth about the history of the electoral college but I’m still ready to party.” 


Happy Shopping! 



Writer. Feminist. Lover of iced coffee, dogs and all things cheetah print.