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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manchester chapter.

Its time to get creative with those outfits girls, and go out of your way to wear those garments you just didn’t think you could pull off!

This season is all about being bold, outragous and there is nothing wrong with being the girl that everyone is talking about! Tartan, once reserved for old women and school skirts, is now a must-have in leggings, skirts and skater dresses. However, make the most of it while it last, as this is one pattern that may be a fashion faux-par this time next year.

  • If tartan isnt your thing or is just too bold for your liking, then there are plenty of toned-down prints to satisfy your fashion cravings.

One of the classic looks of this season is monochrome florals, dogstooth and houndstooth, which when paired with the right leather jacket, or your favourite pair of heels, will be your new all-eyes-on-me outfit!

So before you go to buy those plain black basics that you have bought a hundred times over, think again and take that chance on what you really have your your eye on!  

(Photo credits to tumblr.com)