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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

One thing I have learned in my 18 years is that you only live once. Most of the time we don’t do the things we actually want because, in the back of our minds, we always have the thought about “What will people think of me?” or “Will I regret it later?”. You need to stop right now with that mentally. In my personal experience, I was the one who had a mentality that I wouldn’t do the things I wanted just because I was always so concerned about what people would think of me. Would they think I was weird? Would they criticize me? Would they make fun of me? But after a while, I decided to stop letting people control who I really am, and let my own personality show who I really am and do the things I really want to do. Stop using your phones all day and take risks, go on adventures. You never know what will happen or what you will experience. So take that risk and have your only live once mentality. 

Also, remember having the mindset of “YOLO” and “you only live once” is good to a certain extent. I think that having that mindset is good if you don’t take it too far. Don’t pressure other people to do things they don’t want to do. Don’t set yourself up and be conscious of what you’re doing and how much and long it will affect you and other people. You’re a teen, teens make mistakes and try new things and that’s okay, but just know that some of those mistakes and bad decisions can affect your mental health, the relationships you have with people, and your future. So be careful. 

“You don’t live once ,you die once ,so you have to capture a life interesting and joyful enough to leave it one day. Live everyday to the fullest ,not because you live ,but because one day you will not. One day ,none of us will ,so please , make the life the best it can be”

Hi my name is Cristianna and I am from Honduras. My major is psychology with exceptional student education. Some of my hobbies are going to the beach , writing , going on walks and many more things.