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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Living in a dorm for the first two years of college was the best decision I made. I got to experience college to the fullest. Since I was constantly surrounded by students it was easy to make new friends and access all the school’s amenities such as the cafeteria. I am now a junior and I have gotten my first apartment with two of my friends. 

Now that I am two weeks in of living in my apartment here are some things I consider important to know for students who are interested in living off-campus. 

1. Learn how to adjust and be aware of the difference between living on-campus and off-campus 

During the summer, I was aware that my experience in college was going to change. The time I was going to spend on campus was going to be less than what it used to be. Personally, this was difficult for me to accept. Now I realize that this transition was the best thing that could happen to me as it allowed me to create a balance between my social life and the responsibilities I have now. 

The perspective I have now is that living in my own apartment is a step forward toward adult life. I get to have a look before I graduate at what it is to be responsible with things such as paying rent on time, house chores, and more. 

2. Choose responsible roommates 

Choosing responsible roommates is an important factor even when living on-campus. However, when living off campus you and your roommates need to acknowledge new responsibilities. To create a healthy environment you need to be aware of how your roommates will prioritize being responsible with the apartment. This process is easy if you have previously lived with your new roommates. 

3. Meal preparations 

I believe that one of the most important factors when living off-campus is meal preparation. For the first two years, I had access to a meal plan on campus. This was a great advantage we all have as students living on-campus, now I get to experience buying and cooking my own food. 

At the beginning of this semester, I decided to buy a meal plan of seventy-five meals. The way I am distributing my meals is one meal per day. The reason why I decided to purchase a meal plan is because I have other responsibilities during the day that take away time for me to cook on certain days. In addition, I also thought this was a good idea to go slowly into the process of adjusting. If it is difficult for you to adjust to this new experience, I recommend considering this option and, later on this year you can try out cooking all your meals by yourself.

This is Arianne, she is from Peru. She is a junior at Lynn University majoring in International Business. She really enjoys to hangout with friends, read and travel. A fun fact about Arianne is that she loves to dance!