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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

“As the tale was told over and over throughout the kingdom, Maleficent became evil once more.” – Narrator

In darkness you watch a world of fairies and humans come to life. You see the mystic kingdom of the Moors home to Knotgrass, Thistlewit and Flittle, our favorite three fairies who bestow gifts to princess Aurora in the first movie, you may also know them as Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.

Not only is the Moors their home but countless of other creatures as well. We are introduced to the queen of the Moors, Aurora and a surprising engagement happens within the first ten minutes of the movie. 

A dinner with Prince Phillips parents and Aurora’s Godmother, Maleficent stokes the beast within Maleficent which also causes her to get shot and saved by a creature just like her. Aurora the defiant daughter stays with the prince and his ill father only to be used as a trap for her own people.

Maleficent wakes up in a strange place where walking is not suggested and is surprised to see many more dark fey, after believing she was the only one alive. She learns more about her people and how they were hunted and this only fuels her anger. 

One night she returns home to kingdom to see the humans have destroyed her burial grounds and then loses a friend due to hunters who shoot them. This loss pushes her over the edge and our Queen of Evil returns for a long over due battle with Phillips mother, the queen of Ulstead. 

Both fey and human fight because of the deception the queen of Ulstead has implemented in their minds. Both sides suffer significant loss and for most fans of the movie it was hard to watch some of our favorite characters die so brutally. 

Aurora and Maleficent share a mother daughter moment where Aurora finally calls Maleficent her mother and two are stronger than ever at least until the Queen of Ulstead shoots Maleficent and all hope is lost. 

This movie had me on the edge of my seat,  my hands covering my eyes and cursing out the real evil queen who was in fact not our fierce Maleficent. 

There is a hint at a third movie as the movie ends on a cliffhanger with promise of more to come. Hopefully, fans will be graced with Angelia Jolie once again on our screens as the beautiful and fierce Maleficent. 

I was born to write epic stories and live an interesting life. I am 19 and writing is my passion. I am type 1 diabetic and have been for 17 years. I have lived in South Florida my whole life and would love to be a famous author one day. Reading a steamy romance novel is my favorite pastime. I love romance, dogs, my friends and family, and my darling boyfriend. I’m always up for a good chat with friends and coffee! My sweet tooth is my entire mouth and I live every day like its my last.
Lynn University Chapter of Her Campus.