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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

I had been preparing for this moment for weeks. I had picked my outfit days before. I had memorized as many songs as I could in three weeks and I had dreamed about this night. 

I haven’t been to a concert in over five years. That concert being One Direction right before the band split up. Now I changed my preference in music genre completely, I went from pop boy band to country! My boyfriend thought I was crazy, my family kept asking what happened to me, but I fell in love with a band. A band of eight men all from Georgia, who could all play their instruments exceptionally. This being the Zac Brown Band. 

I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know anything really. I didn’t know that you paid for a seat even though you would stand all night. I didn’t know most people didn’t come for the first band. The concert opened with the band that was in the movie A Star Is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Now don’t get me wrong there was no Lady Gaga on the stage belting her lungs out, but this band sure gave an excellent performance. 

The smell of beer and sweat lingered in the air, and at first I was shocked at how many people were beyond drunk. But then the band entered the stage and my life forever changed. 

They started with Hot For Teacher by Van Halen, which then lead into one of their most popular songs called Toes which is all about wishing to be at the beach relaxing on a hot day. The night was full of surprises when half way through they threw the crowd a major curve ball and played Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody

After an amazing cover of Bohemian Rhapsody they played Chicken Fried and had the audience in total awe of the band and in love with our country. They stopped the song halfway through to let a veteran stand on the stage in full uniform and gave a moment to every veteran in the audience. I had never felt such patriotism in my life until that moment. 

When the concert ended I was left speechless. I couldn’t put into words the amount of emotions I felt listening to my favorite songs live in person. The next morning all I could do was talk about the band and the enriching experience they left me with and how wholesome I felt. 

I can’t wait for the next concert, next time I will be in the front row.

Here is a list of some of their best songs! Check them out!

  1. Toes

  2. Whiskey’s Gone

  3. Knee Deep

  4. Warrior

  5. Colder Weather

  6. I Play The Road

  7. Loving You Easy

  8. Chicken Fried

  9. Homegrown

  10. My Old Man

I was born to write epic stories and live an interesting life. I am 19 and writing is my passion. I am type 1 diabetic and have been for 17 years. I have lived in South Florida my whole life and would love to be a famous author one day. Reading a steamy romance novel is my favorite pastime. I love romance, dogs, my friends and family, and my darling boyfriend. I’m always up for a good chat with friends and coffee! My sweet tooth is my entire mouth and I live every day like its my last.
Lynn University Chapter of Her Campus.