One of my biggest passions is theater. In high school I had an amazing opportunity to help the costume director and my love for theater grew into an obsession. I believe theater and musicals can truly take storytelling to the next level. That’s why I’m so excited to see some for my favorite musicals being adapted into movies.
In the Heights:
In the Heights was the very first musical of Lin-Manuel Miranda, while a sophomore at Wesleyan University in 1999. He took inspiration from West Side Story and his own childhood growing up in Northern Manhattan. However, the musical would not make it to an off-Broadway till 2007 and would make its Broadway debut a year later. The musical follows a neighborhood in Washington Heights on the hottest days in the summer. Even though the character and musical influence is Hispanic there is something for everyone to love about this musical, you might even learn some Spanish! The movie release date is June 18, 2021 and it will be available on HBO Max and in theaters. Personally, I could listen to this soundtrack on repeat, and I do honestly it will take you on a roller-coaster ride of emotions from pride, to fear and pain, excitement, loss, and hope.
Dear Even Hanson:
This musical follows Even Hanson, a high school boy with social anxiety. Tasked with the job, by his therapist, to write letters to himself very about why each day will be a good day. He finds himself in a tragic yet interesting situation that inevitably helps him come out of his shell and truly discover himself.
The musical had its first reading in 2014 but did not make it to off-Broadway until 2016. It then went on to have a US tour and make it to the West End. It was nominated for nine Tony Awards winning six of them. This musical will make you laugh, cry, and hold your family, biological and non, a little tighter. The movie is currently in post-production with a release date set for September 24, 2021.
Everyone’s Talking About Jamie:
The BBC documentary, “Jamie: Drag Queen at 16,” is what this musical is based on. It follows the journey of Jamie New and his goal of being one hundred percent himself. Jamie is bullied often for being gay, but that doesn’t stop him from being himself. With prom around the corner, he’s faced with the decision of who to go as: someone he doesn’t recognize or exactly the way he wants to be. With encouragement from family, friends, and Drag Mothers he is able to find himself.
I’ve listened to some of these soundtracks for years now and being able to see them adapted in a movie is something I am so excited for. I can’t wait to share and be able to experience my favorite musicals with all my friends and family!