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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Some recurring themes that have been taking place as the year progresses include seasons changing, gratitude blossoming, and plans being made. We look forward to the future to stay motivated while reflecting on the past to establish growth. Meanwhile, the present is subjective because we live in our own movies. At the center of it all, passion drives our motives and capability of what is in our realm of reality. According to the laws of physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Someday, you’ll realize that everything you’ve gone through was a blessing in disguise. Things didn’t work out the way you expected them to because you were being prepared for something better, and all these restless nights wondering why everything happened to you will finally make sense. 

  -M. Sosa

Every movement we make impacts the universe in some way. Unconsciously, we are in a loop of behavior where war occurs within ourselves. Fighting the battle of wants versus needs, two different aspects of love necessary for survival. The world is a snow globe, and we are merely figurines trapped in the glass clock. What comes to the surface upon further analysis is that fondness is the glue that holds the picture together. 

By nature, primal instincts create a selfish cycle for us: eat, sleep, hunt, and repeat. Whereas the cognitive and giving parts of ourselves recognize the importance of taking what we need and sharing where there is abundance. It is an imperceptible balance of the two that helps us live from a place of light. You fall in love with the little things about someone, like the sound of their laughter and the way their smile forms. When we help others, the energy boomerangs back and gratification then resonates with us.

We are engrossed in schedules and routines that have us hard-wired in the, how can I get ahead mentality. The day in day-out hustle for success is terrific busy work, but leading in what direction? Working hard is supposed to correlate to comfortable living, but not at the expense of pleasure. Fulfillment comes when we look outside ourselves and notice the other players in the game. 

Birds of a feather flock together is a notion which holds true. When we expand our energy field, we are allowing others in. However, this can be dangerous if harmful people comprise our circle. “The people you surround yourself with are an extension of your energy, beliefs, and goals. It’s okay to be selective” (Unknown). There is a difference between being protective of yourself and judgment of others.

It is pertinent to know that energy can be both given and returned. Cutting ties with people who do not have your best interest at heart is a necessity, and in the same token we must help others when we have the strength to assist. Every step we take and every move we make is just another scripted line in our movie. The desires and plans we have are changing, and the only consistency in our lives is the ability to love. You can’t help falling in love with letting others in, the passions you have, the lives you touch, and the love that sits in your heart.

Andrea Sofia Berman is a creative writer and Education major. She is passionate about children and helping people. She loves to use creativity to express herself, and hopes to spread positivity through writing.