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It’s that time of the Year again: Friendsgiving/Thanksgiving Edition 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

It’s scary to think that we are coming up to this time of the year again. It’s scary to think that we just had Halloween and that one year ago was my first American Halloween and now my second Thanksgiving is coming up. This is an interesting one for me, so I never really understood Thanksgiving. I would just see it on American TV as a holiday celebrated by Americans. But this year will be my first time doing a Friendsgiving. Whenever I think of Friendsgiving I always think of the TV series Friends.

Even though I am not American this time of the year is hard, as all of my friends go home to be with their families and people celebrate this holiday with the ones they love. Don’t get me wrong I will still be celebrating it with the ones I love but my immediate family is not here but I am lucky enough to have extended family to spend it with. With that being said of course me and my friends are doing a Friendsgiving because even though they are not my legitimate family they’re still considered my family and my home away from home. I believe the concept of Friendsgiving is so amazing. Thanksgiving can be a very hard time for many people who may not have much of a family and they see all these people who have a loving home and loved ones to share the holiday with. So by doing a Friendsgiving it shows that every person is still loved regardless of where they have come from and their home situation.  

This is the time to be surrounded by the love of friendship, good food, and good celebrations. where we reminisce about all the times we’ve spent together the good and the bad and of course the funny situations (those are the best). It is times like these where we realize how lucky we are to have who we have and to think about how far we have all come if it were not for these people. This is extremely important for me as like I’ve mentioned it can be difficult for me when my friends go home for Thanksgiving to be with their close family meanwhile they are my family and I love them. 

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful so I encourage all of you to be thankful for every single thing you have in life. All the good things and all the bad things because both of these things work hand-in-hand to make you a stronger, better, and loving person. So go out and do something great this Thanksgiving break!

Lauren is an international student majoring in Hospitality Management. She is a very interactive, positive and friendly young lady who always gives of her best. She always wears a smile on her face and tries brighten up everyone’s day. She is very passionate about her home country and educating many young people about her beloved country.