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I Need More Details… The Truth About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

People love to set limits and tell us what we can and can’t do. They think they know what we are capable of and convince us that the confidence we have in ourselves can be easily shaken. When we look into the mirror, we see the truth in our eyes: a reflection of our reality. We are the product of our minds and the goals we set for ourselves.

We think we need the affirmations and approval of others to learn to love ourselves, and what we seek is a truth that is in our hearts all along. True happiness emerges from one’s ability to be content with ones-self. Our external conditions may not be ideal, but we have to be able to have perspective that circumstances can be temporary. We stand at one end of the telescope where things seem to be magnified, but don’t see the other end at which point things can be better or worse.

Love is a tricky concept; everyone wants to be noticed and feel like they have a reason to exist amongst others. However, this does not mean being another face in the crowd: fearing being yourself at the risk of wanting to be liked. If life is a popularity contest, then the number of people you surround yourself with is about as good as empty calories. Yes, it looks fantastic to be surrounded by people but if you confine yourself to the limits of society’s  expectations you will never truly be happy.

Having a few people in your life who truly support you is like a picture: it says a thousand words. You can paint yourself with the image of who you want to be, and the people who truly love you will not care what that image looks like rather the message it holds. Positive energy is what draws people in, that ability to love yourself, and inspires others to do the same. To be a leader, one must know the value and what they bring to the table.

We are all given a gift, as well as flaws,and knowing how to navigate your strengths is the key to loving yourself. To see the value in yourself, you must walk up to the mirror and admire your reflection: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Only you can set your limits; only you can know the truth about yourself and who you want to be.

Andrea Sofia Berman is a creative writer and Education major. She is passionate about children and helping people. She loves to use creativity to express herself, and hopes to spread positivity through writing.