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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Are there ever some days you just don’t feel like yourself? You feel worried or pressured because of assignments that need to be submitted but you feel as if you need more time, a job you have to go to but don’t feel physically up to go, friends and family that you want to socialize with but you just don’t feel mentally capable of talking to them. Do you ever feel as if you don’t do these things that everything will just fall apart and you are a failure? Because I have.

I have felt all of these emotions and more. Sometimes I feel that if I don’t do these things I am a failure and I am wasting my time. For me, I am an overachiever. I want to be able to do everything and anything. I want to get A’s in all my classes, work to make money everyday, talk to friends and family all the time, and do my hobbies that I once loved. But there is just sometimes not enough time in a day to get all of these things done.

That is what freaks me out the most. When I don’t have time to complete all of these things, this is when I start to stress and overall shut down. I get mentally and physically tired because I stretch myself so thin where I don’t have any time for myself and to do the things I truly want to do. And this is when I need to realize that it’s all okay. It’s okay to submit an assignment late, call out of work once in a while, and take a break from family and friends to spend time by yourself. This is when I need to not be so hard on myself and take a step back and regroup. I need to realize that just because I don’t accomplish everything that I want doesn’t mean I am a failure and it doesn’t mean you are one either.

We all need to give ourselves a break and when we realize we are getting stressed or overwhelmed to take a break for everything and do something that truly gives you joy and relief. I know it’s easier said than done but if you do not give yourself that time to breathe you will just overwork yourself until you can’t do it any more. If you ever feel this way I understand and just know that’s it’s all going to be okay in the end.

Jackie is Senior at Lynn University. She is a Marketing major and has big plans for her future. She enjoys many things like fashion, content creating, and spending time with friends and family. Some of her passions are creating content and fashion. She is also the Marketing Director & President for her chapter. She hopes to have a successful career and a bright future!