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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Valentine’s Day is a great day to show much we care about our loved ones. Whether that’s our family, friends, or significant other, we all have someone in our life. And while it is nice to go on a date, you can also use that time to catch up with your BFFs! Plan a special day with just them- where to go and what to do. Today, I will be giving some tips on how to make that special day with your gal-pals happen! 

Location is important

Whether it’s the beach, out to a fancy dinner, picnic, or just to your favorite coffee shop, where you plan to meet is super important. Make sure everyone agrees on the time and if everyone is ok with the chosen area. Not everyone might not like the same thing, so talking about it first is important so that you are all on the same page of what you will be doing. Also, make sure to be clear with what time it will be happening. If you need to make a reservation for dinner, be sure to of course make it and be there ahead of time. Usually when I know I am going to go out to dinner with my friends, I choose places that have all different types of food on the menu. Someone might have an allergy, might not eat meat, or might not like a certain food like sushi, so be sure to go somewhere with multiple options. 

What to do

Wherever you choose to go, you might want to have activities for your special day. With something more relaxed like a picnic, you could all make friendship bracelets or paint pictures on canvases. If you plan on exchanging gifts, discuss with a budget and be sure everyone is aware of this. I have been left out by accident when exchanging gifts in the past and it can make for some pretty awkward moments. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure you are having fun! 

No matter what you do, make sure that you all have a fun time. This is the time to be together and make more memories. So, no matter how you do it, just remember these tips. You don’t need a significant other to share the day with, as long as you are with people you like to be around, that’s all that matters.

Lily de Rooij is a senior this year at Lynn University. She love the connections and memories she has been able to make throughout the years here at HC. Her favorite part about being on the team, is coming up with new social media ideas and posts.