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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

The first semester to this school year is already over half way through for many students. Especially in Florida, I know I cannot believe this year is coming to an end soon. With the semester wrapping up quickly, I believe that it is important to understand resources your school provides you with!

Learning about what your current or future school has to offer is vital information. Let’s look at my private south Florida school. I go to a small university in Boca Raton named Lynn University. On top of the school being located in a beautiful region in Florida, the student life on campus is pretty amazing too with the resources they offer. 

Although choosing a school and a major first is top priority, it is also important to see what life on campus looks like and what accommodations they offer. The accommodations my school offers is my main reason for choosing this school. 

Study Rooms

My school has 30+ study rooms as well as nearly 400 independent study spaces across campus. The study rooms on campus can also be reserved, so there is no need to stress if you need a day to study outside of your room and you are concerned about not finding a study room. There is always space to do your work on campus if you want to do work outside of your dorm! 


Another thing my school offers is allowing freshman students to bring a car on campus. Many universities across the United States do not allow freshmen the opportunity to do so. At Lynn there are over 1,500 parking spaces to choose from. Another thing my school offers which I did not know about until recently is that the Campus Safety officers at the university will pick students up from their cars and get them back to their dorms safely. Especially walking back to your dorm room at night alone can be intimidating, look and see what other accommodations the schools you are looking at offer (safety wise). 


Laundry is a top priority when it comes to looking at dorm life in college. My school, for example, has laundry facilities in every residence hall. My biggest tip for doing laundry would be going on a day like Tuesday or Wednesday, almost all college students like doing their laundry on Friday so right before the weekend or Monday, right after the weekend. 


As a senior internships and job searching seems like a top priority nowadays for my friends and I. The Career and Alumni Connections center at my school has made me feel very prepared to leave school and head into the working world. The center offers resume writing consultations, interview prep, one-on-one career coaching, and so much more. After learning about this center my school offers, it made me very excited to start my search for jobs and internships. 

Learning what your school has to offer will truly make a difference in your academic life. When choosing a school it can be very difficult to narrow down your decision. My decision was mainly based on what amazing accommodations my school offered. 

How will you choose your future college?

Kelly is a senior at Lynn University. She is currently studying Psychology in hopes of becoming a therapist. Kelly spends most of her time at the beach or listening to music. She loves helping people and learning new things everyday!