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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

It’s surprising to think that Thanksgiving has come and gone now. It is official we are one month away from Christmas! It’s hard to think about how this year went. But in my mind time goes by fast you’re living a good life and living in the moment. Just over a week ago I thought to myself what am I going to do for the next week. I’m going to get so bored as all my friends have gone home for Thanksgiving and I’m still in Florida. I honestly thought this week was going to take forever but now Thanksgiving is already over in school starts again in three days.

This is only the second Thanksgiving I have had or experienced. Last year we did the whole turkey thing with the neighbors. But not having my whole family here and only having two family members here can sometimes make Thanksgiving lonely for me. Knowing the majority of other people are spending it with their whole family whereas for me it is completely different. Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful that I have my cousins to celebrate the holiday with. So this year, we decided to not go all out for Thanksgiving but rather have a more relaxed laid-back type of Thanksgiving.

We started off Thanksgiving day by doing a work out, obviously, considering the amount of food you would be consuming later. After this we made ourselves sandwiches and headed for the beach and this is where we spend majority of the day. Instead of being in the kitchen cooking all the food we went to the beach with some friends. This was enjoyable simply because we all love the beach and the fact that we weren’t slaving away in the kitchen all day. The beach was absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed being around friends and family. Eventually we headed back home where we were now roll the peckish so we began to make dinner. At first we were planning on boycotting Thanksgiving completely but it’s a very strong American holiday so of course at the end of the night we ended up with so much food. We didn’t have the turkey or ham but we had steak, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and a salad. Also not to forget the apple crumble for dessert.

So at the end of the day we did end up having a feast but there was very minimal stress that came along with it. We still enjoyed our day at the beach and made the most of it and came home and had a great family dinner. I’m very lucky to have the people I do and everyone that was able to go home for Thanksgiving should be truly grateful for having a home to go to. We should all be eternally grateful for where we are in our lives.

Lauren is an international student majoring in Hospitality Management. She is a very interactive, positive and friendly young lady who always gives of her best. She always wears a smile on her face and tries brighten up everyone’s day. She is very passionate about her home country and educating many young people about her beloved country.