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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUM chapter.

Having the dream to sit down with Stevie Nicks and absorb the tales of her life, I found myself among 14,000 others on Saturday, February 17th, getting a glimpse into her storied journey. 

At 8:15 PM, the icon herself stepped onto the stage, initiating the night with the haunting melody of “Outside the Rain.” She enchanted us with renditions of “Dreams” and “If Anyone Falls,” taking a moment thereafter to share a piece of her world with us. 

Picture this: your boyfriend and producer, Jimmy Iovine, claims your album lacks hit singles just two weeks before its release. His remedy? The duet “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” with Tom Petty. Unbeknownst to Jimmy, Stevie harbored a tender crush on Tom while always wanting to be a member of the Heartbreakers. 

Prior to performing “Fall from Grace,” Stevie described it as akin to engaging in a heated debate. In tune with her audience, she delivered some of her most celebrated hits, including “Bella Donna,” “Edge of Seventeen,” and “Stand Back.” The encore paid tribute to Tom Petty and Christine McVie, who we lost in 2023, with heartfelt renditions of “Free Fallin’” and “Landslide.” 

In quintessential Stevie style, the spotlight was shared solely with her band. Occasionally, she would retreat to what she referred to as “the tent” to switch capes from her original performances decades ago.  Notably, she wore the original capes from “Gold Dust Woman” and on the cover of “Bella Donna.” The stage backdrop screen displayed exquisite artwork that complemented each song—a montage of vintage photos resembling a scrapbook, capturing moments with her collaborators. 

For an hour and a half, Stevie cast a spell over the audience. It was among the most mesmerizing concerts I’ve ever witnessed. She recognizes that it’s her music that draws the crowd, not just the spectacle. By keeping the focus on the music and her band, coupled with stories of her musical career over time, the experience felt genuine. Stevie Nicks forged a connection with us all, leaving us with the warmth of newfound friendship. 

Sydney is a sophomore at LUM and is majoring in Data Science with a minor in Mathematics. She is from Denver, Colorado. During her free time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, exploring and having new adventures, and being active. Some of her favorite activities are dancing with the LUM Dance Company, scuba diving, hiking, skiing, and running. She loves trying new restaurants, eating good food, going to concerts and museums.