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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUM chapter.

With summer approaching, many are looking for good books to read in their downtime. Although I was never an avid reader, my friend suggested I begin the novel, “Every Summer After” by Carley Fortune. After finishing the book, I can say it definitely lived up to the hype.

The story follows Persephone, “Percy” for short, and Sam. Sam’s older brother Charlie is also another prominent character that comes into play later. Sam and Percy have grown up together–spending their summers in a cottage in Canada.The two meet at age 13, and their romance develops into early adulthood. It wasn’t until a
catastrophic event that led the two to break up and never speak again…

Now, several years later, Percy finds herself back at the cottage she grew up in, because of the death of Sam and Charlie’s mother, Sue. Percy finally reunites with Sam, but will it be enough to lead the star crossed lovers back to one another?

Fortune goes back and forth by narrating the story in the past and present, keeping the readers heavily engaged. There was never a dull moment in each chapter, and I found myself flipping the pages rapidly.

Her writing style is playful yet elegant, and the dialogue between characters is entertaining. The characters are incredibly admirable, and you’ll find yourself falling for Sam, just as Percy did.

Despite the book being engaging and a fast read, it does have one downside. I felt as though the plot was predictable, and I knew immediately what was going to happen as the story continued to climax. If you are looking for a jaw dropping novel with lots of plot twists, this isn’t the one for you.

Overall, I would give this book 4/5 stars. If you are looking for a quick and relatively easy read for this summer, this is a great choice!

Jenna Mattern is a Communications (Journalism) student at Loyola University Maryland. In addition to being apart of Her Campus, she is also an RA, plays club softball, and is apart of the Honor Council. She has had experience writing for other organizations in high school, and is look forward to continuing her work through Her Campus. In her free time she loves to cook, hang out with friends, shop, and go to the beach!