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Before You Throw Out Your Pumpkins, Try This Pumpkin Seed Recipe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUM chapter.

Now that Halloween has officially passed and all my Christmas lovers are starting to play their holiday music without a thought for Thanksgiving, pause for a moment. It’s still Fall, and I know you haven’t thrown out your pumpkins yet. Hopefully, a squirrel hasn’t already gotten to them yet… 

But oh, have I got the recipe for you—Cajun Pumpkin Seeds.  

I know, it sounds basic, and honestly, it’s pretty simple, but everyone knows it’s the little things in life that make it all the more enjoyable. These baked pumpkin seeds will have you wishing you had an endless supply of pumpkins and they’re the perfect snack to get you through yet another grueling work week as students.  

So, with that said, I’m passing down a classic Halloween treat of a tradition I share with my family to all of you. Here’s what you’ll need: 

Ingredients and supplies:

  • A pumpkin (or a few) 
  • A carving knife 
  • Colander 
  • Mixing Bowl 
  • Cajun Seasoning (paprika, cayenne pepper etc.) 
  • Salt 
  • 1-2 tablespoons Melted Butter 
  • Baking Sheet 
  • Over or Air Fryer 


First, plop your pumpkin down, I advise laying some paper towels down underneath or setting up your space in a place you don’t mind getting a little messy. 

Carve the top of your pumpkin, as if you are about to make a jack-o-lantern and take out that top piece. 

Now the fun part—gut the pumpkin. Take out all that goop and start separating the seeds into the colander. This for some reason is like adult slime, take that as you will.  

When you’re done, it’s up to you whether you want to continue carving your pumpkin or leave it for the animals in your backyard, but now you’re going to turn your attention to the main attraction: the seeds. 

Run your seeds (in the colander) underwater and separate any remaining pumpkin guts. 

In a bowl mix your dry seeds with your paprika, cayenne pepper, and cajun seasoning until your seeds are covered. Finish them off with sprinkling some salt (the amount of seasoning you use is all based on personal preference, so season to taste, but you do want them at least coated). 

Set your oven to 300 F and lay your coated seeds on the baking sheet. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of melted butter over them. Olive oil is also optional.  

Bake for 45 minutes to an hour, or until browned. Stir seeds every 10-15 mins while baking. 

Set to cool and enjoy! 

This recipe will have you craving pumpkin seeds year-round! 

Nicole is a senior at Loyola University Maryland studying political science and communications. When she's not studying, she's probably planning her next radio show with WLOY Loyola Radio, hitting the gym or going on an adventure somewhere in Baltimore with her friends!