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5 Easy Ways to Decorate for Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUM chapter.

With December beginning, there are plenty of opportunities to get into the holiday and winter spirit. That includes getting your space ready for the seasons changing. Here are 5 easy ways to elevate your space for winter!

1. Put up holiday themed decor

Nowadays, holiday decoration options seem to be endless. There are a plethora of places to buy small and large holiday decor for any holiday you might celebrate. These decorations leave the space feeling cozy and cheerful. The decorations can be as small or extravagant as you want, which is the fun of it!

2. Swap out fall scents for winter scents

As scents like pumpkin spice and crisp apple start to fade, scents like pine, gingerbread, and cranberry start flooding in. Scents are the first thing you notice about a space and continue to bring winter cheer into a room. Whether this be a candle, air freshener plug ins, or room spray, scent is an easy way to elevate a space.

3. Stock up on winter inspired snacks and drinks

What better way to get ready for winter than by snuggling on the couch with your favorite snacks and drinks? Drinking beverages like hot chocolate and eggnog around the holidays are a must, and gingerbread cookies, peppermint bark, and holiday popcorn should absolutely be on your shopping list this year.

4. Play some holiday music

Music is another great way to bring people together and add some spice to a room. There are plenty of free premade holiday playlists on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music. Or, you can opt to make your own! Whichever you do, music can add a nice touch to a space.

5. Light a fireplace or play a faux fireplace video on a TV

Although fireplaces are not as common as they used to be, they are a great way to add warmth to a room. If a real fireplace is not available, there are plenty of videos online to play in the background on a TV, computer, or tablet. The sounds of the crackling fire will surely give a cozy feel!

Overall, these ideas are easy and affordable options to upgrade any living space. I hope that you implement some of them and feel a little more holiday spirit when being at home!

Jenna Mattern is a Communications (Journalism) student at Loyola University Maryland. In addition to being apart of Her Campus, she is also an RA, plays club softball, and is apart of the Honor Council. She has had experience writing for other organizations in high school, and is look forward to continuing her work through Her Campus. In her free time she loves to cook, hang out with friends, shop, and go to the beach!