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The Truth About Transitioning to College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

The first few weeks of freshman year can feel like a whirlwind. You will experience both the highest of highs and lowest of lows. Your life has just been uprooted, and you will be forced to find a new normal. Freshmen Zoe Peters, Grace Cotter, and Riya Patel give us a glimpse into what this transitional period is actually like: 



What has been the hardest part about college so far? 


ZP: “Trying to balance being social and getting work done. Since I am pre-med, a lot of my time is occupied by labs, discussions, and other hard sciences. I really want to join a sorority and other organizations, but I am afraid it will have a negative impact on my grades.”


GC: “Adjusting to living in a completely different part of the country. Being from the West Coast, I didn’t realize how different Midwestern culture would be. Also, being so far from home has been a challenge.”


What has surprised you about the transition? 


ZP: “I adapted to my schedule quickly. Before I came to college, my mom told me how long it took for her to find classes on campus. When I came to Loyola, it was much smaller and more manageable. All of my classes are in the same three buildings, due to my being a science major.”


RP: “It was easier to make friends than I thought it would be. My suitemates and I clicked really easily. It’s nice knowing I have four built in best friends, who always have my back.”


What has helped to make Loyola feel like home? 


GC: “Forming multiple small, tight knit communities. Being a Women’s and Gender Studies major, I am super passionate about helping women. I just joined Feminist Forum to get more involved and meet people who share this passion. Also, I have made a lot of friends through dorming.”


RP: “Finding my spots on campus where I can feel conformable. One of my favorite study spots is Engrained Café. It’s connected to my dorm and the atmosphere really helps me to focus.”


Is there any advice you would like to give future college freshman? 


ZP: “Try to understand how your professors teach. Each will have their own unique style, some being a lecture, others more discussion based. Then, try to adapt your studying to meet their needs.”


RP: “Time management is key, but remember to have fun! Prioritize your schoolwork and block off times during the day to dedicate to homework and studying. Then, reward yourself with leisure activities that you enjoy.”


Finding your footing as a Freshman is a challenge for everyone. The best thing we can do is embrace this experience and take it one day at a time. Remember, we are all in this together.


Brooke Craig is a first year Journalism student at Loyola University Chicago. She is passionate about writing and helping others.
I am a fourth year student at Loyola University Chicago. I am highly interested in journalism, and social media marketing, especially when it comes to news and fashion. My current experiences consist of sales in different companies throughout the Midwest, such as Ann Taylor and Kate Spade, and editorial work with various companies, including Her Campus and Orange Coast magazine.