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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

Although we may all be stuck in the mental drag that is final exams preparation, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s summer! It’s what Chicagoans wait for all winter, and it’s what college students talk about all semester long.  This much-anticipated season is the perfect time to take advantage of all the fun that a world-class city like Chicago has to offer.  But this summer instead of saying “add it to the list” after every potential activity is discussed, why not bookmark it? Or instead of lying around the beach all day discussing which favorite spot you’ll head to later that night, why not check out a new place that you’ve never been to before?

But how does one find these unexplored hangouts and unique eateries? The answer is simple: Sosh (note: not to be confused with “Shosh”, everyone’s favorite one liner-dropping character on HBO’s Girls). Sosh is the easiest way to find new and unique things to do every day in the city!

I came across Sosh late one night while doing everything but writing an English paper due the next day.  The site is advertised as a helpful tool to plan your next date, but in reality it is so much more.  While it is still may be helpful in wooing the guy or girl of your dreams on your next date night it is also a great resource for groups, girls nights and individuals in planning their next Friday night out.

And Sosh couldn’t be easier to use.  As soon as you sign up using either Facebook or your email address the site immediately prompts you to begin customizing your social experience.  It allows you to select your favorite neighborhoods, favorite activities and hobbies, and your specific areas of interest. Then it curates a list stacked full of awesome activities that pertain to your specific interests.  The site also allows members to connect with friends making it easy to invite others to join in on the fun that will undoubtingly ensue!

Here are a few fun activities we came across while perusing the site:

Julie is a senior at Loyola University studying Advertising and Public Relations and minoring in Sociology.  When not in class she loves to travel, eat delicious food, ride her bike, and promote Her Campus LUC on Loyola's campus. Julie is so excited to be one of the co-founders of Her Campus LUC, and hopes that everyone enjoys its just as much as she does!