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New Solution for Health Insurance

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

We all know that the “real world” is waiting for us when we graduate.  Many of us will be entering the work force or streaming through graduate school for more years of school.  But what most of us forget about when we think of the future is health insurance coverage.  Accidents may happen and life may take the unexpected turn and could leave you in need of a good health insurance plan.

Illinois Public Interest Research Group’s (PIRG) new campaign is to offer advice and consultation for students needing new and affordable health coverage as they are leaving their parents’ plans and acquiring their own. 

For many soon-to-be uninsured students, Illinois PIRG’s plan is exactly what they need.  Illinois Public Interest Research Group is a non-profit organization targeted to a variety of political activities that advocate various causes such as lowering interest on student loans, health care coverage, decreasing the cost of textbooks, and etc.  

The program has implemented teams across various college campuses around the state, including Knox College, University of Illinois Champaign, Northern Illinois, University of Chicago, Northwestern, UIC, and even Loyola University Chicago.

It’s primary goal: to inform the people.  

As newly released pieces of the Affordable Care Act are starting to take into effect, many new changes in health insurance have been implemented:

  • You are covered with your parent’s health care plan until the age of 26
  • You can no longer be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition or rise-up costs because of pre-existing conditions
  • Women cannot be charged more than men in health coverage as prohibited by law

If you are interested in this new plan and need help with health insurance call 1-855-SIGN-UPS, and find out how Loyola Students can prepare for the future.  

Mandaline is a senior at Loyola University Chicago studying International Business and Marketing at the Quinlan School of Business. You are most likely to find her running along the Lakeshore Path, trying out a new local restaurant in the city, or promoting Her Campus LUC on campus!  Mandaline is thrilled to be one of the co-founders of Her Campus LUC and  hopes that everyone enjoys the fantastic community that is Her Campus!