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Lia Gorogianis: HipsterRockerSurferChic

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

Lia may be new to Loyola, but she is definitely not new to fashion. While describing her original style as “hipster, rocker, surfer, chic,” the freshman says she has recently been incorporating more punk rock and urban pieces into her outfits. While Lia wants to keep up with current style trends, she wants to stand out. Using inspiration from magazines and style from different eras, Lia mixes and matches funky pieces to make a chic but unique fashion statement.


Hat: Forever 21

Glasses: Ray Ban

Shirt: PacSun

T-shirt: PacSun

Pants: Express

Shoes: Dr. Martens

Bracelets: Alex and Ani

Necklace: Original, handmade gift