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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

The tale of Santa Claus has been around for centuries, yet there is another festive figure that predates even the jolly man himself. The story of La Befana can be traced back as far as the 13th century as the Italian Christmas Witch that visits your home on January 6th. 

The story of La Befana is a religious one. Originating from the Greek word epiphania, meaning epiphany, it refers to the story of the Three Magi visiting a newborn Jesus Christ. 

According to the story, the Magi stopped at an old woman’s house to rest while on their journey. She (La Befana) welcomed them, fed them and let them rest in her home. The Magi asked if she would like to accompany them to see the newborn king, but she said she had too much housework to get done. But when the Magi left, La Befana changed her mind. She packed her bag with sweets and rushed out, only to see that the Magi were nowhere in sight. 

So she went off on her own to find the child, stopping at every home she passed, just in case that was the home of Jesus Christ. She continues her journey to this day and leaves sweets in children’s stockings. 

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My mom often tells me stories of her holidays in Italy and her experience with La Befana. She and her siblings would be ecstatic to find a package of Torrone, a newton candy, signifying that they had been good that year. Every family has their own traditions of course, but the day of La Befana’s visit is often more exciting than Christmas for many Italian families.

I think I’ll save the story of Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey for next year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.

Her Campus LUC CC Diana is a senior at Loyola University Chicago pursuing a bachelors degree in Creative Advertising, with a minor in Visual Communication. As a self-proclaimed horror novel enthusiast, avid drinker of intricate coffees, and pseudo art aficionado, Diana hopes to share her wide array of passions with the HERCampus readers.
HCLUC Co-CC Shelby is an LUC senior studying multimedia journalism, cultural anthropology, political science and Asian studies. Although she grew up in South Dakota, she has found homes in Chicago, Morocco, and Vietnam. She strives to continue traveling the world to seek out human triumphs and trials by telling stories through a fresh, unbiased viewpoint. When she's not studying or working, Shelby is a devoted fan of sunsets, strawberry smoothies, and Seth Meyers.