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Instant Improvements For Your Instagram

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

If you are the owner of any kind of smartphone, you have probably downloaded the Instagram app.  Whether you’re the person who posts after every meal you eat or the user who occasionally drops by to scroll through the most recent feed of photos, it is no secret that the current generation of 20 somethings is quickly becoming obsessed with Instagram.  The app has even managed to pull users’ attention away from Facebook, the king of all social media sites. We’ve all spent countless hours perfecting our image projected through our Facebook profiles, and now the same must be done on Instagram.  

For starters, lets talk about the (in)famous selfie. This feature has Instagram users quickly taking sides. Posting too many selfies can give off the impression that you may be a tad conceited, but if you do choose to upload the occasional selfie, try to keep a few things in mind.  First, don’t take yourself too seriously.  The duck face has been done and can end up making you look silly, and a bit confused.  Secondly, try to make the caption fun and witty.  Attempt to steer away from the obvious, such as “Having such a great hair day! #LongHairDontCare”. If you are having an exceptionally good hair day, feel free to share it, but don’t tell your followers what they already know.   

Aside from the selfie, there are a number of other types of photos Instagram-ers commonly choose to post.  Landscape shots are very common and when done properly they can be some of the most striking pictures you see on your feed.  However, it’s important not to overflow your profile with pictures of the sun shining down on the Sears Tower or Lake Michigan on a beautiful day.  Another thing to keep in mind when mastering the landscape shot is not to abuse the filter.  Although the filter option may be the distinguishing feature of Instagram, selecting one is not always necessary.  Sometimes it can be refreshing to appreciate a landscape simply for what it is.  And of course if you do choose to leave the filter behind, don’t forget to include the #NoFilter hashtag. You want credit for your good eye, don’t you?

Lastly, there are just a few other things you want to avoid in pursuit of perfecting your profile.  These include things such as the popular pet postings.  You know your dog’s cute, we think your dog’s cute, but we don’t need to be reminded of it on a daily basis.  The same can be said for your cat, hamster, or whatever furry friend you might choose.  The final point to keep in mind is to keep your posts to a minimum. 

As addicting as it may be to take beautiful photos and make them even more beautiful with a hipster filter, your followers do not need to know what route you take to class everyday or what you’re wearing on the way.  

Julie is a senior at Loyola University studying Advertising and Public Relations and minoring in Sociology.  When not in class she loves to travel, eat delicious food, ride her bike, and promote Her Campus LUC on Loyola's campus. Julie is so excited to be one of the co-founders of Her Campus LUC, and hopes that everyone enjoys its just as much as she does!