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Five Study Tips to Get You to an A

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

1) Plan when, where, and how you are going to study BEFORE you begin. Planning is key in any aspect of being a student, but especially when it comes to studying. If you want to get an A on a test, it is essential to know when you have time to study for it and how you are going to prepare. This may take some practice and observing what environment you succeed most in. Do you prefer studying in your dorm? What about a silent study room in the library? Are you productive in a coffee shop? You won’t know these things until you go and explore what works best for your study habits, but make sure you find what works for you.

2) How do I find what study methods work for me? Some people love flashcards, others prefer using their notes, and some learn best by verbally memorizing and working through the material. Teaching others is the best way to learn, so, recruit a friend to listen to you memorize everything for the test. Whatever works best, stick with it and you will feel more confident going into the test knowing that you are had a good study method.

3) Proper Health is Key When you have a test coming up, it is easy to get stressed and lack sleep and good eating habits. Eating well and staying hydrated will actually help to improve your focus and memory when you sit down to prepare for the exam. It is also a great stress relief to hit the gym, even if it is only for 20-30 minutes. If going to the gym makes you more stressed because of the “loss of time”, it is important to schedule breaks in between your study periods.

4) You need to take breaks! Study breaks are almost as important as studying the material itself. This is because your brain is not wired to sit and focus for hours and hours at a time. Even taking a 5-10 minute break every 20-30 minutes will help improve your ability to focus on the material without burning yourself out.

5) Enough is enough People that devote hours and hours to studying are without a doubt devoted to getting an A. However, there is a point in which students over study and start to confuse the material in their head. When you feel comfortable and confident, call it a night. Take your mind off of your test and focus on something else. The last thing you want to do is use up the material before you even sit down to take the exam.

Use these tips for any upcoming exams and you are on your way to an A on the exam. Good luck and happy studying!

Samantha Kadian is a sophomore at Loyola University Chicago, majoring in Communication Studies. She is from a suburb of Detroit, Michigan and loves spending time with friends and family when she is back at home.
Molly is the Loyola University Chicago CC, a PR consultant and fashion merchandiser by day, a blogger by night, and a coffee addict all the time. She's a Starbucks and Sephora VIP member, which is both a blessing and a curse, and would rather get Valentino than a Valentine. Her interior design efforts usually incorporate elk, while her wardrobe consists of black, black, and slightly darker shades of black.