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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

From clothing hauls to “what I wear in a week” videos, social media has a hard grasp on trends, but does it help our “clothing confidence?”

Scrolling through your TikTok “For You” page can make you look at your closet and seriously question all of your life choices…also how much time you just spent watching strangers’ “day in my life” videos. 

With constant evolving fashion trends, Gen-Z has taken charge of what’s in and what’s out. With the making of fashion hauls and what-to-wear media content, trends are coming to your “For You” page faster than you can handle.

Our beloved basics like UGG boots and skinny jeans are no longer the beloved essentials but a piece of clothing that can cause heads to turn by mom jeans and Doc Marten lovers. Being basic is no longer about drinking pumpkin spice lattes, but now what clothing you wear.

The problem that comes from this clothing-cancel-culture is it makes the younger generations question if what they own is acceptable to wear anymore. When mom jeans came into style this past year I started to even question when I would wear skinny jeans. Looking at online comments about the canceling of certain clothing styles can make someone feel ostracized by their fashion choices.

Someone that once had “clothing confidence” is now questioning if their outfits work, not for themselves but for the opinions of others. While fashion trends are of course acceptable, social media is throwing them into a harsh lockdown. These fashion trends are not only appealing to 20-year olds but are now melting into the younger generations with some repercussions.

Pre-teens are now wearing clothes that people in their 20’s wear. Sparkly headbands and graphic tees are no more. Straight-leg Urban Outfitter jeans and crop tops are now being worn in middle school halls. Children are being heavily exposed to social media and the toxicity it comes with. Clothing is evolving, but is it pushing the younger generations past their comfort? 

Clothing trends should be encouraging and carefree, not strict and stressful. The women’s restroom is considered by many a safe place for women, from something as little as complimenting one another while doing a quick lip gloss retouch.

While I used to hear “woohoo you go girl,” it’s become too common to hear, “omg what is she wearing?” We are getting stuck in this clothing-cancel-culture mindset, slowly taking away the fun freedom of picking out your outfits.

TikTok and Instagram are here to stay, so will this clothing stress ever disappear? It’s our job as Gen-Z social media users to ease this clothing stress. If you want to be involved in the newest trend, go for it, but don’t create mental do’s and don’ts that you put unto others. 

So enjoy your hourly TikTok scrolls and support women’s fashion hauls! Shop till ya drop and let’s put an end to clothing-cancel-culture, bringing up women’s “clothing confidence.”

Hi, I'm Serena a junior multimedia journalism and philosophy major with a love for lifestyle writing and fashion. I get most of my inspiration from the great city of Chicago and would someday love to write for a fashion magazine. If I could go shopping and eat pasta every day I would haha.