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Campus Celebrity: Carter Konz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

Carter Konz

Graduation Year: 2017

Major: Computer Science

Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Birthday/Zodiac: April 7, 1995/Aries

Interests: Music, Technology, Handiwork

Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/trickytricky

IG: @cartfisk

Twitter: @cartfisk

If you could have any super power, what would it be & why? I’ve always wanted to teleport. I hate spending time commuting/getting around. Sometimes it’s nice to take that short mental break on the bus, but setting aside 20 minutes twice a day to get to & from campus seems like a waste. My bike was doing a great job in the fall but now that winter is here I need some portals.

Where is your favorite place in the world? All my favorite places are in houses that my friends no longer live in. It’s tragic. My #1 is my friend Marcus’ old basement. My friends and I grew up there. Home to 1 million memories & a few bad rap songs. I think right now my favorite place is the tiny first-class “roomette” I booked on the Amtrak last weekend. I wish that’s what buses were like.

Finish this sentence: I don’t trust people who… …don’t have hobbies.

What motivates you? Listening to music. Sometimes I think I like listening more than making music. Hearing a song with hot production, vocals, or a dirty hook gets me so anxious to make something. If someone can make a song I like that much, makes me wanna do songs people could like that much.

When did you start making music? What do you think drew you in? My parents bought me a plastic guitar & a baby-sized drum set when I was four or five. My mom got me started taking piano lessons a couple years later, but I think I was pulled in before that. My nanny used to always play a VHS of Riverdance for my friend Will & I when we were tiny… like infant newborn tiny. Being around pianos when I was little got me interested as well. Pianos are great for kids. Someone who’s never touched/seen a piano can sit down & make beautiful music once they figure out to only play black keys.

What are the top five most played songs on your iTunes?

Sufjan Stevens – John My Beloved

Father John Misty – Holy Shit

Drake – Legend

Bon Iver – Perth

Neutral Milk Hotel – Two Headed Boy

What 3 things would you bring with you to a deserted island? An acoustic guitar, headphones, & an iPod filled entirely with music I’ve never heard before.

Dogs or cats? Why? Tough one. I honestly appreciate & respect both. Lowkey I identify with cats more. At the end of the day though, I have to stick with my gut & go with dogs. Cats are cool but they’re not loyal or silly like dogs. I’ve never had a pet cat but I don’t think I’d connect with a cat the same as with my pupper, they’re just too serious.

In your eyes, which celebrity has the most underrated style? Mac DeMarco. Dude looks like a bum, but a bum you wanna hang out with for some reason. No other famous people have that style, he’s from Canada but dresses like he’s never been outside of Wisconsin. Second place is a tie between my co-producer @DannyBayerTV and my boy @tomotenenbaum after we all get famous.

What’s your favorite part about living in Chicago? To me, Chicago feels a lot like my hometown, Minneapolis. Not sure why, but I feel like there’s some extraterrestrial connection between the two. I also dig the feeling that Chicago gives off of having the entire human experience available & at hand within its city limits.

Who inspires you in life/who’s your role model? Aside from the obvious (my parents– shoutout), my biggest role models are my friends. Nothing motivates/inspires me like when my BFFs are getting life buckets. It’s a good feeling knowing your boys are doing big things.

Relationship status? I am in a wonderful relationship with LUCDFPA’s own Eurydice a.k.a. Maggie Cramer. Shouts out to my forest fox. J

Give us a fun fact about yourself: I’m a reformed fan of both Drake & Justin Bieber. Used to passionately hate both of them, but people who are important to me allowed my eyes to be opened to their sweet music. Love Yourself is a bop. 

Samantha (Sammi) Saliba is currently a Junior at Loyola University Chicago studying Public Relations and Marketing. She is also the Co-President of Her Campus chapter at Loyola and is the blogger and brains behind ambitiouslifeofacitygirl.com! A member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, Vice President of Loyola's Communications Honors Society and intern at a couple of companies, she never fails to stay busy and ambitious. Samantha aspires to one day own her own fashion PR firm in California, start a non- profit for sex-trafficking victims and have 75 puppies.