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BOO-ing On A Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

It’s spooky season which means huge leave piles, clever jack-o-lanterns, bothering strangers for candy, and best of all, pretending to be someone you’re not! But the real spooky part of Halloween is the damage done to our wallets. The only scary part of this wonderful time of year should be the endless hours of scary movies! Leave your wallet out of the coffin with some helpful tips to stay BOO-ing on a budget!

Last Season Savior



Skip the line and stay prepared for the next Halloween celebration by shopping at stores a week after the 31st. Most stores will have sales on all the leftover Halloween decorations, costumes, and knick-knacks and more than half price! Be one step of the Holiday season and snatch that spooky swag ahead of time!

D.I.Y Or Die



This glorious time of year is supposed to be celebrated with loved ones, sharing a sugar high while simultaneously paying for people to jump out at you. What better way to spend this thrilling time with them then by doing DIY crafts, decorating, and buying goodies and costumes! This allows you to get those creative juices flowing, save some money, and laugh at your sibling when their paper bat doesn’t’t quite look like an actual bat. That’s I like to call a triple spook right there!


Trick’ Or Thrift


    They say another man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Keep your eye on the prize by taking advantage of second-hand stores such as Goodwill and The Salvation Army. Halloween isn’t a pretty time, and neither is Goodwill’s $1 bin, but you are sure to find some funky items to spruce that Marilyn Monroe or Woody costume right up. Expand your mind without shrinking your wallet!



I’m Just Here for the Boos!


If society tells you you’re too old to go trick-or treating, show them you’re still up for the tricks by throwing a scary-bash. Have each of your guests bring their poison of choice and don’t forget to fire up the fright by making it a costume contest! This is your chance to share with your friends all the frugal Halloween tips and finally, show off those homemade ghosts! Dance all night to Monster Mash and have no regrets when you make out with a guy dressed as Shrek.


Always choose love
I am a fourth year student at Loyola University Chicago. I am highly interested in journalism, and social media marketing, especially when it comes to news and fashion. My current experiences consist of sales in different companies throughout the Midwest, such as Ann Taylor and Kate Spade, and editorial work with various companies, including Her Campus and Orange Coast magazine.