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7 Lies Rom Coms and TV Shows Taught Us About Love and Sex

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

If only life were like romantic comedies. Everything would be rainbows and butterflies, and no relationship would require any work. You may have to deal with some type of heartbreak, but everything would always work out perfectly! Not only that, but your sex life would be AMAZING. Unfortunately, life is not the Notebook, and you will face struggles in various relationships you may have. Our most beloved tv shows and movies did not prepare us for the real world, instead they filled our heads with unrealistic expectations (below) of what life entails.


1. There is a perfect prince awaiting your arrival

Very rarely does a girl/guy find their true love by sitting up in a tower and “throwing down their long hair.” Over the years, production companies, like Disney, have missed the mark in several ways. One of them being that they only show guy/girl relationships, and the other being that everyone has one “prince charming” and no matter what the two people will always end up together.



2. You and “The Other Woman” Are going to bond and Be BFF’s

As seen in John Tucker Must Die, I once believed that if I ever had a boyfriend that cheated on me there would be a good chance the other girl and I would become best friends…NOT! Although this can totally happen, it is more likely that you will go your separate ways without ever speaking a word.



3. Losing Your Virginity Will Dramatically Change Your Life

Maybe it was growing up in a religious community, or pop culture, but I was thoroughly convinced that losing my virginity would take away my innocence. PS, your sex life is your business and does not change who you are. Not only that, but you probably will not feel any different; sex does not make you a woman.




4. Being Friends With Benefits is a Great Idea

If you have ever seen Friends With Benefits you know that you can not be friends with someone and just have sex, because you will fall in love. Unlike the movies, it is actually possible to have sex with someone and not automatically fall in love with them.



5. You’re Going to Fall In Love With Your Best Guy Friend

We have all seen it, girl falls for guy best friend, guy falls for girl best friend. There are so many movies that promise young girls that your guy best friend will be the one true love of your life. NEWS FLASH; This is not true, like ever.



6. All Fights End in Super Hot Makeup Sex

Okay, I wish this was true. Unfortunately, real life fights usually end up in someone storming out of the room or one of the people sleeping on the couch.  Some fights do end up in great makeup sex, unfortunately that is not always the case.




7. A Man Will Come Along and Save You From Yourself

There are so many movies out there that focus around a man saving a woman from disaster, and it all started when we were young. Almost every Disney story needs a man to come in and save the woman, but it does not stop there. Pretty Women, Anyone? Although this is my all time favorite movie, not all people need someone to save them. Although a prince carming may sound nice, we do not need anyone to save us from ourselves. 




Love and sex are great things, but neither are ever really like the movies. Relationships are hard, and they take work; not everything is rainbows and butterflies. Life is not a romantic comedy — and that is okay!


I am a fourth year student at Loyola University Chicago. I am highly interested in journalism, and social media marketing, especially when it comes to news and fashion. My current experiences consist of sales in different companies throughout the Midwest, such as Ann Taylor and Kate Spade, and editorial work with various companies, including Her Campus and Orange Coast magazine.