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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LSU chapter.

Time management will always be a great skill to have in anything you decide to pursue in life. However, trying to plan out your schedule can be difficult. Here are five ways you can start and become good at time management.

1. use a calendar

This could probably go without saying, but using a calendar can be one of the easiest ways to manage your time and keep a good schedule. Using an online calendar like Google Calendar or Apple Calendar can allow you to have easy access to it at all times since they are on your phone. I enjoy using a Google calendar and a digital planner on my iPad. The digital planner allows me to physically cross out things on my to-do list which makes me feel like I’ve completed the task.

2. Create an assignment tracker

Being a college student no matter how many classes you’re taking is stressful. Assignments that sneak up on you can be the most overwhelming. Creating an assignment tracker on Excel or Google Sheets can become your saving grace to never miss another assignment. My color-coded, organized due date tracker is the reason why I was able to turn in all of my assignments by the deadline, if not earlier than the deadline. This step-by-step tutorial can show you exactly how to create one and sort the assignments automatically.

3. stop procrastinating

I know, easier said than done. Something that worked for me, that might work for you is becoming a morning person. By being productive in the morning and starting right away, you can get more done throughout the day and can use your night to relax and not stress at night while trying to get things done. This has helped me to be more refreshed the next day and continue the cycle of getting things done earlier in the day.

4. say ‘no’ more

If you’re a people pleaser like me, then this will be hard but believe me, you can do it. Constantly saying yes to things that may put more stress on you will not help with manage your time to the best of your ability. Putting yourself first can help you overall to be more productive and get things done that you need to do.

5. give yourself a deadline

Giving yourself a time deadline for things you have to complete that day can make you less likely to procrastinate. Something that can help with this is scheduling your day by the hour, doing this you will be able to block out times to dedicate to completing the task so that it is completed by the deadline you set for yourself.

Strategies for time management will differ for everyone but these five things can become a starting point for you to practice better time management and make you more productive overall. When I started college, time management skills were essential to me since I wanted to not be stressed and complete all of my assignments to the best of my ability.

I am a junior at LSU majoring in mass communication with a concentration in public relations a minor in leadership development. I am the president and campus correspondent of Her Campus at LSU. I enjoy spending my free time by working out, cooking, and creating social media content.