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Happy Fun Laughing Girls
Happy Fun Laughing Girls
Cassie Howard / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisville chapter.

I had considered joining a sorority ever since I watched Legally Blonde. Elle Woods was the icon of Delta Nu, and she set the standard of everything I wanted to be: powerful, influential, caring, fashionable, and, best of all… surrounded by a group of women who supported and loved her. 

The summer before my freshman year, when recruitment registration opened for the University of Louisville, I was so intimidated. I procrastinated filling out the forms, uncertain if I wanted to join Greek life or not. Elle Woods made it seem so easy, so fun, so enticing. But there was one fear that kept circulating through my head: 

What if I didn’t fit in? 

I cannot even tell you how many articles I read, podcasts I listened to, alums I spoke with. My goal was to learn everyone’s experiences and try to form my decision based on what they gained from Greek life. I did not want to join a sorority solely to be “a party girl.” What I wanted from sorority life was the opportunity to excel, a group of girls that would support me, and the ability to hold high positions within the Greek community. 

My God, am I so glad that I joined Greek life at Louisville. 

I will remain unbiased for the purpose of my article: to encourage young women of all kinds to go Greek, regardless of what sorority they decide to become a part of. With that being said, the Panhellenic community at UofL is incredibly welcoming and inclusive. I was so worried about being judged, not fitting in… but everyone made it so easy. I hardly ever felt awkward or uncomfortable, knowing that the Greek community was so diverse. Regardless of what sorority these women were in, they ensured I would find my fit among all of these incredible women. 

And I did. 

So why should you consider joining Greek life? 

Even if you’re not the “Elle Woods” of your life, you will find your fit within the Greek community. Joining a sorority allowed me to meet my current role models, who push me to succeed in all areas of my life. It gave me countless opportunities, whether that involved volunteering or applying for positions in councils in my sorority. Most heartwarming of all, it gave me my best friends. As cliche as that sounds, I mean every word. 


Ava Paszkiewicz

Louisville '23

Campus Correspondent at the University of Louisville I am an International Affairs and Communication major and minoring in French and marketing at the University of Louisville. If I am not studying, I am at the UofL Student Rec Center where I teach cycling/spin classes!