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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

Now that school as been in for a while, homework, and studying begins to get very tedious. Motivation has declined and summer is creeping up on everyone’s mind. It’s getting harder and harder to find the strength to focus on writing that paper or study for the big test you have coming up. These are a few tips and tricks that I have found really help make my school work feel a little less like work.

Studying “Abroad”

Studying in your dorm or apartment can be a good quiet place to get work done, but after a while, it begins to feel like a chore. A good way to switch up your study routine is to change up your scenery. Whether it’s a coffee shop or studying at the park, changing locations can make your to-do list seem a little less tedious. Personally, I love to visit a new coffee place or sit outside around campus to get my work done.

Sips and Snacks

One easy way to make your study session feel hopeless is to have a drink or snack to have throughout your work. Sitting down at my desk to work on homework is always more enjoyable with a cup of coffee and a few Hershey’s kisses. Having a snack can give you that push for motivation that we all desperately need. A sip here and there of your favorite drink can make tedious work feel more productive and pleasant. 


Though this may not work for everyone, music can be a great way to make your homework feel less like a chore. Personally, music helps me focus and not get distracted by doing something else. It gives me a way to relax while still being productive. I love listening to music while I do my work, but for some people, it can be too distracting. If you find that your favorite songs just make you wanna get up and dance, instead try listening to classical or more instrumental music. 

Comfortable and Cozy

Another great way to make your learning experience more pleasant is by being in your favorite and most comfortable clothes. Obviously, don’t wear clothes that will make you want to fall asleep, but being comfortable can make studying less stressful and more relaxing. Next time you’re stressed out about a big test make sure you get comfortable in order to relax a little. 

Take a Breather

As important as studying is, sometimes it’s good to take a step back. If you study for hours and hours on end you’re going to drive yourself crazy. Feeling hopeless about the work you have to get done and the test the next day won’t be beneficial in the long run. Stepping away to take a break can help you look at the tasks at hand with a clearer view and even help relax your mind. Stress isn’t going to produce your best work, and taking a breather is a good way to wind down.

Organization is Key

One way to keep your study session flowing is by keeping your schoolwork and workspace organized. Being more organized can be very beneficial. It can make you feel less stressed and you’ll be able to have everything together. A very important way to be organized is by ensuring that you do homework or studying ahead of time. Be aware of when due dates are and when you’ll mark off to-do list items.

Being in school isn’t always easy. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Sometimes it can be difficult to stay motivated. From staying organized, getting comfortable, listening to music, or simply eating a snack, these ways will keep you on your feet and ready to succeed in school. I hope that these ways will help make your learning experience more enjoyable. 


As a little girl, I spent hours writing stories. Obviously they weren't exactly bestsellers, but it was my passion nevertheless. I would fill up my notebooks with everything I didn't know how to say out loud, and anything I could imagine. Now, as a college student, I'm chasing my dream one word at a time. I'm currently studying English and Marketing, with the intention of becoming an editor.
Kristen Bastin

Louisiana Tech '20

Technical Writing and Creative Writing student at Louisiana Tech.