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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

In any relationship, it is good to know that “love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.” The author of this quote is none other than the great William Shakespeare. In remembrance of the world’s most famous playwright, Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society annually hosts an event known as Shakespeare Day. 


If you don’t think you like Shakespeare, first consider The Lion King, a childhood favorite. If you like The Lion King, then you should like Hamlet because The Lion King is basically a retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet that occurs in the animal kingdom. Indeed, Shakespeare affects us all in many ways. If you have ever “smelled something rotten in Denmark” or seen “method to your madness,” you are quoting Shakespeare. If you have heard “a rose by any other name,” “to be or not to be,” “now is the winter of our discontent,” “all the world’s a stage,” and “to thine own self be true” you are hearing Shakespeare. 


The event will likely take place in April of 2020, but an exact date and time will be decided upon soon. In the past, students gathered in the Shakespeare Garden on the first floor of GTM and read sonnets as part of the Poetry Society’s sonnet competition. Prizes were given out to the winners of the sonnet competition, and a stage was also set up where the English faculty performed a puppet show. The show during the 2019 Shakespeare Day was called Queen Leer, and the students enjoyed its creative and humorous spirit. Cupcakes and finger foods are usually available during the course of the event. Shakespeare themed T-shirts are also sold on the first floor of GTM. 


Shakespeare Day is a festive celebration of the playwright’s birthday. The activities that take place are both intellectually engaging and entertaining. If you are looking for some fun, company, or just a break from doing homework, the first floor of GTM is the place to gather. 


James Tucker

Louisiana Tech '20

James Tucker is an English graduate student at Louisiana Tech University. Due to his background in rural Arkansas, he enjoys writing about the environment and various outdoor recreational activities. During his time at Tech, he has served as a student ambassador of Liberal Arts, and he has also served as both historian and secretary of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society. James tutors at the Louisiana Tech Writing Center. His favorite areas of research are pre-1660 British lit and British lit from 1790-1920.