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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

You won’t always have the perfect roommate. Chances are they won’t have the same personality or habits, so it is important to set up a few rules before living with them. Being courteous to your fellow roommate is very important because if you treat them well they will treat you well. I have encountered a few things problems when it comes to getting along with roommates. A few large topics of arguments include having people over, cleaning, and sleeping habits. 

If your roommate has a friend come over late at night to work on homework, and you need sleep because of an early shift the next morning try explaining your dilemma.  If you’re still getting little to no sleep and your roommate is still having friends over late to hang out or watch a movie, it can be really frustrating. After having a particularly long day, all you want to do is get into comfy clothes and go to sleep but that can be hard when you can’t get comfortable or it’s too noisy. Little incidents like this are why it is important to let your roommate know when you are having people over and be courteous of sharing your room.

Cleaning is another issue that roommates have conflicts over. Often times you can end up with a roommate that does absolutely no cleaning. It becomes a bother because the other roommate ends up taking time out of their schedule to do all the work while the other allows the room to just get filthier. Roommates should designate areas to clean for each person each week. If they do not have a designated job then one person feels obligated to do it each time, by themself, and this builds up frustration and irritation towards the other roommate. In addition, make sure that if you make a mess clean up after yourself.

confetti being cleaned up
Another important issue that needs to be discussed with your roommate is sleeping habits. It’s good to know when each other fall asleep and let them know your sleeping schedule. Several times, when one roommate is trying to fall asleep, the other decides they want to clean or watch a youtube video. Living in close quarters isn’t the best situation, but being courteous of your roommate when they are trying to go to sleep can really help.

girl laying on a bed
These are all important ideas to keep in mind when trying to live with someone else. Let them know when you are having people over and make sure they are okay with it. Divide the list of chores that need to get done in the room, and discuss sleeping habits because these discussions will lead to better relationships with your roommate.


Cammie Ardoin

Louisiana Tech '23

Hi, my name is Cammie and I love music and books. I am also very headstrong and passionate.