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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

I think finding sources of happiness in your life is one of the most important and impactful things you can do for yourself. This includes your job, your hobbies, who you surround yourself with, etc.!

It seems as though it’s common sense that you should pick a career that makes you happy, but that is often not the case. People often let their choices be influenced by other factors including money and other people’s opinions. It’s so important to realize that the life you live is your own, no one else has to live it. If someone doesn’t agree with something that makes you happy, it’s okay!

It is also okay to outgrow friends and even family! You have to put yourself first, even though that can be extremely hard to do sometimes. 

Happiness is a choice. It all revolves around the mindset you choose to have and the decisions you make. 

Happiness often appears unattainable. It’s true that it can be inconsistent, but it isn’t unattainable. Finding sources of happiness in your life often takes a lot of self-reflection and time exploring different things! 

These sources of happiness can and will constantly change throughout your life as you grow and find new passions! 

Hailey Rodgers

Louisiana Tech '22

Hi! I'm Hailey and am currently a marketing major at LA Tech! I love traveling and gaining new experiences along the way (: