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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

There are five love languages that represent the ways we interact with our partners, friends, and help us learn to understand ourselves. Everyone has one that stands out more than the rest because of the way they process or prefer to be shown love. The five love languages are receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch.

When you think of receiving gifts, you might imagine excessive spending and expensive gifts to prove your love. That’s not necessarily the case. Gift-giving can mean something as simple as your partner seeing something small, like your favorite snack, at the store and getting it for you. This act should never be out of obligation, but because it reminded them of you.

Quality time is as straight forward as it sounds. Spending time with the people you care about can help strengthen bonds, even if it’s just grabbing a coffee and chatting for five minutes. Whether it’s in person or a phone call, giving or getting undivided attention can show true investment and attentiveness needed in order to maintain any kind of relationship.

Words of affirmation can be anything from a compliment to acknowledging a simple act a person did. Being built up by someone who is important to you or someone whose opinion matters to you can be the little thing that makes your day better. Saying “You look nice today!” or “Thank you for grabbing lunch with me!” will make all the difference.

Acts of service is definitely the most helpful out of all of the languages. When you have been busy all day and come home to a clean kitchen that has been haunting you, your day will automatically be made easier and will let you know that your partner cares and understands what you’re going through. Lending a helping hand to your partner or receiving it shows support within the relationship.

Physical Touch tends to get twisted with a sexual connotation. However, it can just be holding hands or leaning on someone’s shoulder, although sex can be part of it if both partners are comfortable. Physical closeness can translate into emotional closeness for those who lean towards this language.

These love languages fold and fit together in all kinds of ways, and it’s important to be mindful of each one. People show and accept love with methods that can differ from your own. You have to make an effort to understand your partner and friends and how they interpret love in terms that are specific to them. Make sure the people close to you know what makes you feel comfortable and what your shared interactions mean to you.  


I'm a Junior Creative Writing major and Editor in Cheif for the Her Campus chapter at Louisiana Tech University, who hopes to be a professional writer/editor one day! I love to joke around, but also talk about critical moments in my life and those that surround me to hopefully offer entertainment and guidance to my readers!