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How to Scoot into Sophomore Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

Freshman year may have been daunting for some. For others, it may have been exciting! No matter how you felt entering into your first year away from home, maybe in a new town or state, sophomore year may be a little easier to enter. Odds are you have learned how the campus runs in the school year and have already settled into a routine. Maybe your friends you made freshman year make it easier to return to your school? Many reasons may make sophomore year a little less daunting when compared to freshman year.

Unsplash / Nathan Dumlao

  1. Campus: Arriving in a new town and unpacking your things into a new dorm room is exciting. Lots of people look forward to the memories they’ll create and the new friends they’ll make soon after arriving. By the time sophomore year rolls around, many students find themselves looking forward to new experiences, but the promise of reuniting with friends and familiar surroundings may make the transition easier.

  2. Coursework: The impending schoolwork may still worry some returning students. However, students returning with the same major and surroundings may have an edge on their course load. Many habits may have stayed in place since school letting out in the spring, and these habits may return quickly once the schoolwork sets in again. Sophomores may have an easier time settling in for the second year then they did for their first.
  3. Clubs and Organizations: Another reason for excitement besides friends, surroundings, and habits may be a particular club or organization you have joined. Most campuses boast a schedule of activities implemented to welcome students old and new onto their campuses. In these welcoming festivities, clubs and organizations play a huge role. If you’ve joined a club or organization, the excitement of returning to it will more than likely make the transition back to college life even easier.

woman in front of a computer
Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels
There are many reasons to look forward to college, whether it’s your first year or any other subsequent year! I’ve found that it’s easier to return to school as a sophomore because I knew I’d be reunited with many of my new friends and that I’d get to hang out in my favorite places, again. The thrill of living away from home is still there, but it has less potential to bring about fear and worry this time around. Participating in a club or organization on campus may make it even easier to return and be excited for the impending school year! For anyone who may be nervous about returning to campus, keep in mind that the reality of seeing your friends and returning to your routines will make it all worth it!

Claire Franks

Louisiana Tech '23

Hi, I'm Claire! I am a freshman and I love creative writing. I am an aspiring high school English teacher.
I'm a Junior Creative Writing major and Editor in Cheif for the Her Campus chapter at Louisiana Tech University, who hopes to be a professional writer/editor one day! I love to joke around, but also talk about critical moments in my life and those that surround me to hopefully offer entertainment and guidance to my readers!