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How to Make Friends when You’re Late to the Party- Five Tips for Meeting New People

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

Maybe it’s been three months since you walked across that stadium to collect your high school diploma. You’re ready for the first day of college: backpack full, your university t-shirt freshly washed, and a group message of other freshmen you met at orientation blowing up your phone! Or maybe it’s the first day of the term, and you’re a newly transferred junior, or even though you graduated high school 10 years ago, today is your first day of freshman year. Maybe you’re coming back for a second degree, or to finish your first.   

If the path you’ve taken to college has not been exactly “traditional”, first- welcome, I am glad you’re here! Second, I know it can feel lonely, but you are not alone! Sort of like showing up late to a party and walking into a room full of people already sectioned off into groups, starting college as anything other than a traditional freshman can seem daunting at first.  Check out these five tips for finding your people!  

1. Join a Club or Organization OUTSIDE of your Major 

Upperclassmen transfers especially tend to be enrolled in upper level courses with a small population of the same group of people. This is a great opportunity to learn some familiar faces. However, joining a group outside of your major can help you meet people outside of your classes. Your major is not the only characteristic you might have in common with the next friend you meet! Check your email, flyers in common areas, and ask around for interest meeting dates of clubs or organizations, and check them out- no commitment necessary! 

2. Sign up as a free agent for Intramural sports 

You don’t have to already have a team or know anyone to sign up to play intramurals. Most universities offer the opportunity to register yourself as a free agent and join an already established team. You could also make a team of other free agents! Intramurals are a fun and casual way to meet people. 

3. Spend Time on Campus.  

If you live on campus, take advantage of your proximity to other students and get out of your dorm! Spend time in the common areas of your building: studying, relaxing, eating. Go to events on campus- a lot of them are free. If you have a roommate, invite them to go with you, or introduce you to some of their friends. If you don’t live on campus, that doesn’t mean you can’t be there when you’re not in class. Walk around and get familiar with the areas you don’t visit on your daily commute to classes, and maybe work up the courage to say hello or to ask for directions!  

4. Talk to People in Your Classes. 

Even if it is just a quick conversation before class starts, or a question clarifying homework, it doesn’t hurt to speak to the people you will see at least a few times a week for the next few months. If you don’t have assigned seats, try to sit somewhere new every once and awhile. Learn your classmate’s names and say “hello” if you see them on campus. Taking the first step can be nerve-wracking, but don’t give up! Remember- other people want to be your friend too!   

5. Don’t Be Afraid of Being Different.  

The otherness you feel because of your age, marriage status, hometown, lack or excess of experience, or simply being new is exactly what might just resonate with your new best friend! Our differences are just as important as our commonalities when making connections between people. You are so much more than your status as a nontraditional/transfer student, but don’t be ashamed of your story either.  

Welcome to college! I am glad you are here, and you are not alone! Don’t be afraid to branch outside of your comfort zone. You never know what you might find!


Taylor Linke

Louisiana Tech '21

Taylor Linke is a Senior Forestry student at LA Tech with a concentration in Forest Management, and a contributing writer under the La Tech HC Chapter. She enjoys getting outdoors, being active, and painting.
Alicia Centers

Louisiana Tech '20

I am a junior Cyber Engineering major who just enjoys hanging out with awesome gals outside of school!