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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Taking a night class can really throw off your day, like when are you supposed to have dinner? 5:00pm?

Here are a few things I like to bring to my night classes: 

1. A snack. I like to bring a few granola bars, or a pack of mixed nuts to tie me over. My favorites are the Trader Joe’s Simply Almonds, Cashews & Chocolate Trek Mix. 

2. Coffee! This is of the most importance. Many night classes on this campus are 3 hours long and once a week. Mine in particular is from 7 to 10pm so having a large coffee is crucial to me staying awake. If you’re not bringing one in with you, Tapingo one to pick up during your break!

3. Computer or notebook. Chances are if your sitting in class for 3 hours your teacher just might say something worth writing down. 

4. A Friend. Solidarity, am I right? It’s nice to know you’re not suffering through class alone. See if you can coax one of your friends into taking the class with you.

Her Campus LMU
A Cleveland, Ohio native, Kaitlin is a senior English Major at Loyola Marymount University.