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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Everyone who knows me knows that I had an amazing first year of college. From my friendships to my newfound passions, I’ve known from the beginning that I made the right choice when it came to picking my university. As a freshman year survivor and a former first year, here are some tips and advice to get you through your first year of college (or first year at LMU)!

  1. Get involved

Getting involved means different things for everyone here at LMU. Whether it’s joining clubs, honor societies, Greek life, service orgs, going on retreats, getting involved with campus ministry, social justice, or even getting a job, adding some extracurriculars to your schedule will not only help you meet people, look good on resumes, but you’ll also have a ton of fun. Joining Her Campus my first month of school and joining a sorority and bible study second semester were three great decisions! Getting involved can be scary, but try to step outside your comfort zone!

  1. Make the most out of all of your opportunities

Freshman year, I was constantly told about service opportunities, different social events around campus (whether it’s a Greek philanthropy event, something planned by RHA, Mane Entertainment, or the Film and Television School), or even professionals mixers and resume workshops. While they all sounded great, I rarely found myself going to them. Now that I’m a sophomore, I can promise you that spending that extra hour one day getting out and doing something fun on campus is so worth it. It’s a great way to bond with your friends, make good memories, or even learn a thing or two.


1. Set goals

This isn’t for everyone, but writing out your goals and putting the list in a place you’ll see it constantly can be super motivating and keep you on track to achieving them. Whether it’s things like filling out your lion jobs app, switching your major, or finally getting around to talking to the study abroad office about the different programs, writing things down will not only make sure you don’t forget anything, but it’ll ensure you get more done.


2. Find a balance between your social life and academics

As fun as college can be, don’t forget that you’re also here to go to class. I’m not saying you shouldn’t go out on the weekends or go get brunch, but you might want to think twice about skipping out on studying or missing that class, even if it’s always so boring.


3. Go to office hours and your academic advisor

As weird as it is to think about it, your professors are people and they want to get to know you! My first semester, I rarely went to office hours because I was intimidated by my professors and didn’t really care enough to look up their times, walk across campus, and ask them about the class. However, after focusing more on that in other semesters, I can guarantee that it makes your experience so much more fun if you get to know your professors a little better. Plus, you’ll get better grades and a ton of help!

4. Don’t let people judge you

This could potentially be the first time you really have the opportunity to wear that new lip color you’ve been thinking about trying, posting a super silly snapchat, or getting that piercing that you knew your grandpa would hate without the judgement of the people who’ve known you for years, so step outside your comfort zone! I remember the first weekend of school I got my nose pierced, started wearing maxi skirts, and changed my aesthetic on Instagram. Not super crazy changes, but I was glad I could put my fear of being judged in the back of my mind.


5. Don’t underestimate your RA

Your RA is a great resource for literally everything. Roommate troubles? Talk to your RA. Homesick? Talk to your RA. Don’t know how to get involved? Talk to your RA. Don’t know how to book a study room? Talk to your RA. Want to tell someone you got a good grade on a test, but don’t want to brag? Tell your RA! I’m serious when I say that my RA my freshman year saved my life (shoutout to Sarah and the ladies of 3rd floor Doh).


6. Don’t let homesickness get you down too much

I can promise you that 95% of the people around you are homesick, too, even if they don’t show it. I know it can be hard being away from home and your family, but I’m sure they miss you too and wouldn’t want you to miss out on amazing opportunities because you’re wishing you were somewhere else or someone else was with you at LMU. Talk to your friends and family about it, they’ll know the right things to make you feel better.


7. You’re in LA…get out there!

Go to the beach. Go to a concert. Go shopping. Go get brunch. Go to In-N-Out. Go to Disneyland. Go to a live taping of a show. Go have a picnic outside. Go to the Hollywood sign. Go to Griffith Park. Go to Melrose. Go to Beverly Hills. Go to all the cool museums. Go to 3rd Street. Go to the Grove. There’s so much to do here!



8. Check out every food option there is on campus

When I say this I’m mainly talking about Roski’s, Crimson Lion, and the Den. Oh my gosh… the Den. If you haven’t been there yet or don’t like coffee, just go there for the good vibes! Everyone is so nice and it’s such a great place to study and hangout.

9.  Spend a day doing homework outside

Have you ever done homework outside on Sunken Gardens? If you haven’t yet, you have to. It’s a magical experience being in the sun and reading a textbook. It’s like it makes all your class anxieties get brushed away with the wind…

10. Get Tapingo

I’m only saying this because it’s amazing and my friend Jessica didn’t get it until sophomore year…#ThingIDon’tUnderstand. Tapingo is just really great for smoothies, coffee, and food on the go! Plus, you can Tapingo Crimson Lion, which is lowkey the best thing ever. And I’ll be the first to say that no, no one will judge you if you drive from the Del Rey lot to U-Hall just to go to Crimson. We’ve all been there.

11. If you’re really struggling, go to SPS

Student Psychological Services is there for a reason. If you’re really struggling with your mental health, please seek help a counselor. They’re all amazing people. Even if you do talk to someone and they aren’t a great match, try talking to someone else. LMU loves you so much and we all want you to succeed and rock it here. We love you, new lions!

And most importantly…have a good attitude! This is the start to what could be the best four years of your life, so make it count!

Lizzie Bromley is a sophomore studying Journalism at Loyola Marymount University. She is in a sorority, CPC VP of Communications and Marketing, involved in Campus Ministry, and the VP of Social Media for Greek Light. She has passions for writing/blogging, spending time with her friends, and binge-watching The Office.