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Spring Break Travel Neccesities

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Spring Break is coming up fast, only 14 more days until the week we spend all spring semester waiting for! And while I can’t wait to be lying on a beach, de-stressing from the previous weeks of school, there is one aspect of traveling I always dread: packing. Somehow I always manage to forget the one thing I need most in whichever location I’m venturing off to. In order to avoid any packing horrors that you might encounter this spring break, we made a list of our top 5 travel necessities!


5. Travel- size beauty products

If you’re anything like us then you’ve definitely been guilty of over packing more often than not (you can never have too many outfit options… right?). There’s nothing worse than getting to the airport and checking in your bag, only to find out its overweight. One of the heaviest things in a suitcase tends to be the cosmetics case, so instead opt for travel-sized beauty products to save some of that extra weight.


Pictured: Ole Henrickson Makeup Wipes, Living Proof Hairspray, Urban Decay Naked Basics Eyeshadow Palette, Not Your Mothers Shampoo and Conditioner, Bumble and Bumble Hair Oil, St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse, Juicy Couture “Viva La Juicy” Perfume

4. Reading material

During the school year I’m always too busy with the homework and reading assigned by my professors to read books for fun. Therefore there is nothing better than taking some time on vacation to read a good book or magazine. Whether it’s a serious action book, a fluffy romance novel, or a fashion magazine, the specifics are a personal choice but you’ll appreciate having something to read while you relax and get that golden bronze tan of yours.

Pictured: Vogue Magazine, #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amorouso, Dirty Rush by Taylor Bell, Not That Kind Of Girl by Lena Dunham

3. Snacks

Whether you’re flying or driving, travel snacks are crucial. No one wants to get stuck paying for overpriced chips in the airport convenience store, so make sure to pack a few items to snack on before leaving the house. Traveling can be exhausting but having some of your favorite foods handy can bring up anyone’s mood.

Pictured: Cabo Chips Blue Corn, Boom Chicka Pop Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn, Luna Mini’s (Chocolate covered coconut and peppermint stick)

2. Sunglasses

There is nothing worse than forgetting your sunnies when you’re headed to a beach vacation. I’ve been in the situation where I had to buy some cheap sunglasses from a store that broke just a few days after being purchased. While that’s not the worst outcome, it’s also not the same as having your own sunglasses that complement your face shape perfectly, are the right color to complete every outfit you packed and give you the proper amount of protection for your sensitive eyes. Accessories complete an outfit so packing your sunglasses is just as important as packing your shirts or shoes! Put these at the top of your packing list to make sure they aren’t forgotten! Tip: Make sure to pack them in a hard case so there’s no risk of them getting scratched or cracked while in transit.

Pictured (clockwise from top left): Flea market, Flea market, Urban Outfitters, Ray Ban, Flea Market, Her Campus

1. Sun Protection

Going on vacation to a sunny spot is great, but you never want to bring the vacation home with you in the form of a sunburn. Sunscreen is so important in order to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun! While it is widely available to be purchased at most sunny destinations, no one wants to have to buy a new bottle every time they go somewhere new (unless you plan on starting a sunscreen collection). Save yourself a few dollars and bring your own face and body sunscreen on vacation. Amp up your sun protection even further and wear a hat when spending large amounts of time outside. By doing this you’re protecting your skin from things like wrinkles, age spots and even cancer. For some added luxury make sure to pack a face mist. Not only is it refreshing when you’re spending time outside but it’s actually necessary to restore important moisture to your skin. 

Pictured: Native Tan Broad Spectrum Sunscreen, Australian Gold Tanning Oil, LA Dodgers baseball hat, Evian Mineral Water Spray