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Once in a Lifetime Travel Experiences

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

This article is for those struck with intense feelings of wanderlust, and want to adventure around the world.  This is just a small list of once-a-year events that will definitely satisfy your thirst for adventure:

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  • Fete de la Musique (Paris, France in June)

This music festival isn’t traditional in any sense of the word.  Anyone who has ever wanted to sing or play music lines the streets of Paris and plays for not only the crowds, but for themselves.   Walking through the streets, it’s normal to go from a French choir to a German metal band.  Hanging out in Paris listening to music until dawn isn’t the worst way to spend your time, right?


  • Carnival (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in February)

There’s a reason Carnival is so popular, and that’s because it is the most colorful and popular festival in the world, with over 2 million people attending each day.  Get in with the masses and join in on the fun!


  • Oktoberfest (Munich, Germany late September)

If you’re into travel at all, you’ve obviously heard of the biggest collection of people in Europe during September and October.  Oktoberfest gives people from across the world the chance to come together and appreciate the culture of Germany.


  • Yi Peng (Thailand in November)

This festival of light celebrates the full moon at the end of the lunar calendar, and gives the Thai people a chance to make an offering to the river gods.  They’ll release lanterns in the rivers as well as the sky, giving light to anyone watching.  The event is beautiful to watch, and the meaning behind it will surely leave you feeling empowered and at peace.


  • New Year’s Eve (New York City, New York on December 31st)

New Year’s Eve in NYC is an experience that nearly everyone has grown up watching, and maybe wanting to be a part of – if you’re willing to stand in the freezing cold for hours. However, what better place to welcome in a New Year? So iconic!


  • Holi (India in March)

Holi is the Hindu religious festival of colors and love that takes place in the spring. Those celebrating throw colored pigments at others participating.  The original color festival is a liberating experience that travel junkies will look forward.


  • Running of the Bulls (Pamplona, Spain in June)

For any adrenaline junkie, the running of the bulls is a dream.  Even if you don’t want to participate, watching is still an amazing time. With good food and unique entertainment, you can’t go wrong. 


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