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My Favorite Monday Morning Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

For me, Mondays are a way to set the tone for the week. I do not start class until 4:30pm on Mondays so I like to use my Monday mornings and afternoons as an “extended Sunday.” Here is my ideal Monday morning routine:

Wake up around 8:00am or 8:30am and go to a workout class

Some of my favorite classes near LMU are SoulCycle in Manhattan Beach, OrangeTheory Fitness in Playa Vista or Barry’s Bootcamp in Venice. For me, working out first thing in the morning helps me be productive throughout the day and start my day on a positive note!

Do laundry and grocery shopping

Although laundry and groceries can sometimes be a tedious task, I enjoy going to Trader Joe’s post workout to get all of my necessary groceries for the week. Usually on Sundays I will plan a few dinners for the week to try to get ahead of schedule and stay organized. After shopping, I will finish some laundry that I didn’t get to on Sunday.

go outside and do work

I like to do work outside on campus so the Lion’s Den or laying a blanket out on Sunken Garden are my favorite places to go! If I’m at the Den, I enjoy studying outside with my oat milk vanilla latte. Being outside helps me stay focused and it’s nice to run into friends and people I know which helps break up the study session. 

class time

By this time I usually have my online PR class. After class I like to make dinner before I head off to my sorority chapter meeting. Especially on Mondays I like to cook dinner in hopes that I will have leftovers for the week. After chapter, I will finish up homework, watch my new and favorite show (this week it’s Bridgerton) then head to bed. 

I hope this Monday morning routine helps inspire some of you! I love starting off my week with a positive mindset and trying to be as productive as possible!

Related: Don’t Sleep on a Good Morning Routine
I am a Junior at Loyola Marymount University studying business management with a Public Relations minor. I currently hold the VP role in my HC chapter! I love to go to the beach, writing about health and wellness, reading and being with my family and friends!