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Meet the Team: Rachel Mullens

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.


  1. What’s your year? Senior
  2. What’s your major/minor? English major with a dance minor!
  3. Where are you from? Simi Valley, California
  4. How long have you been dancing for? I have been dancing since I was 4! I did Irish dance for nine years, but now I mostly do ballet. I am taking a tap class this semester!
  5. What is your current favorite instagram account? Shrimps (quirky fashion brand that reminds me of Miu Miu)
  6. Any plans for after college? I actually currently have a coauthored book being published (it’s a historical narrative, nonfiction) but probably mostly working on my writing, maybe work for a publishing company and write my own stuff. Eventually though I’d like to go back to school but not sure what I want to study yet.
  7. Fun fact? I love animals and really want to adopt a poodle.