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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Happy birthday to all of the Aries babies out there! Ariens are born from March 13 to April 19. In honor of Aries Season, here is a small overview of the fiery sun sign.

Fire it up!

Aries is a fire sign, which means that they are enthusiastic and active. Aries, in particular, are energetic, excited and maybe even a bit impulsive. This leads them to be open to change and new experiences, and they are always looking for adventure. They definitely enjoy living on the edge, and they love the thrill of the chase!

A Natural-Born Leader

Aries like being in charge, and they are not too happy when someone tells them what to do or orders them around. They are independent, and they like to control their own plans. They exude self-confidence and even like helping others. However, others may see Aries as bossy, and they are definitely afraid to cross Aries in an argument.

Vibrant is Their Middle Name

People admire Aries when they first meet them because Aries are vibrant and talkative. Aries are more than happy to give their opinion on a subject if someone brings it up. Aries’ upbeat attitude and magnetic personality make people want to befriend them. They make great friends and are very giving in friendships. Everyone should have an Aries in their life!

Sadé is an LMU journalism major from Ontario, CA. She loves fashion and being with her family.