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Every Moment of Finals Week in Harry Potter Gifs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.



When people say “finals week isn’t that bad!” 

Trying to be really cute and nice to your professors so they round your grade up 

When the final isn’t curved 

When your professor says your test will be easy 

When your neighbors are throwing a party during quiet hours 

Going through your notes 

After 12 hours of straight studying  

Pretending like you’re totally OK

When people talk about how hard their test is going to be 

You to yourself when the studying is actually going well 

When it’s 3 AM but you still have to study

When you, a broken, stressed out person, try to comfort your broken, stressed out friends 

When you can’t take another minute of studying

When you accept you’re going to fail 

Walking to your final 

When everyone anxiously looks around before the professor hands out the exam 

How your professor looks at you before they pass out the exam 

Reading the first question 

Trying to get that A like 

Halfway through the test 

How you feel walking out knowing it’s over 

When you’re done with all your tests 

Leaving campus for Winter Break

Going home for Christmas 

Seeing your loved ones 



Lizzie Bromley is a sophomore studying Journalism at Loyola Marymount University. She is in a sorority, CPC VP of Communications and Marketing, involved in Campus Ministry, and the VP of Social Media for Greek Light. She has passions for writing/blogging, spending time with her friends, and binge-watching The Office.