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Dorm Decor (Part 2)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Hopefully part one of our dorm décor series inspired you to revamp the style in your room.  If you love cheap DIY accessories for your living space keep reading!

Ping Pong Lighting: Want to create some lighting that isn’t as harsh as the unfortunate florescent dorm’s?  It’s super easy to do! Just get simple Christmas lights, a pack of ping pong balls, and a sharpie.  Use your creativity to decorate the balls before cutting a hole in the top and inserting the light bulbs.


Clothespins: DIYers love clothespins because they’re cheap and have endless possibilities.  You can decorate clothespins and use them to hold pictures or notes.  Use them on string and wire or create a circle of clothespins attached to a cardboard circle.

Record Bowls: If you want to edge up your room a little, making bowls from old records is a cheap way to do it! Most of our families have old records they don’t want or garage sale shopping would produce a lot of cool looking records. Then, just put the record over a bowl in the oven and voila, you have a cool looking bowl to put anything and everything in.

DIY Vases: Next time you have a bottle, instead of recycling it, use it as a vase!  All you need to do is take off the label and paint it with your choice of spray paint.  Let it dry and put in fresh or fake flowers.

Paint It Yourself: If you’re feeling extra crafty grab your friends and go to the closest pottery studio, like Color Me Mine.  You’ll have a ton of fun painting and have a souvenir after!

Succulents: Buying succulents are an easy way to liven up a room! With so many options of plants there’s bound to be one you want to care for.  Plus they’re hard to kill, trust me I’ve managed to keep mine alive so far!

Necklaces on Display: An easy way to decorate your room is by putting all of your necklaces on a wall- plus they’ll stay organized! Use a hanger, hooks into a piece of wood, or drilled knobs and then hang your necklaces. It’s that easy!

Chalkboard Paint:  If you need to write due dates or a meeting down so you won’t forget, chalkboard paint is a must! You can put the paint on most surfaces and if you hate the feeling of chalk, they now have chalk pens!  This is a super cute way to stay organized for school.