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Coming in Clutch: 10 Essentials for a Night Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

There’s nothing worse than spotting a cute guy across the bar but being unable to strike up a conversation because you’re too embarrassed about your beer breath. This situation is far too common, but luckily, it is easily avoidable. Rewind to three hours earlier when you’re scavenging your closet for that super chic, perfect, Friday-night top, and remember to pack these essentials in your purse.

1. Hair ties/bobby pins: No one wants to be the girl on the dance floor who looks as though she just got out of the shower.

2. Gum or mints: Bad breath is the ultimate turn off, and who knows, you might end up locking lips later on!

3. Dental Floss: Dinner hanging out on your teeth is NOT CUTE.

4. Hollywood Fashion Tape: Just in case your new strapless shirt fails to cooperate during the “YMCA,” or to prevent your typical wardrobe malfunction.

5. Safety pins: In the event of a rogue bra strap, these come in handy.

6. Tampons: Even if they aren’t for you, you’re bound to run into someone who might need one. Help a sister out!

7. Hand Sanitizer: This is especially essential because bar bathrooms aren’t exactly the cleanest places in the world!

8. Roll-on perfume: Maybe you stopped for dinner at a BBQ joint, and now you smell like the inside of a grill. No need to worry if you have a mini perfume with you!

9. Oil Blotters: You don’t want your face to match the pizza you’re ordering from Domino’s, do you?

10. Cash Money: Always have taxi money on hand (preferably cash in case the cab doesn’t take cards!) because you should never get in a car with someone who’s been drinking or walk home alone!