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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Fans of the Nintendo Switch Game Animal Crossing: New Horizons have been begging for a beloved non-player character (NPC) to be added to the game since its release in March 2020. On Sept. 23, their wishes were granted during the September Nintendo Direct. At this event, Brewster, a pigeon who loves hot coffee, was announced as an addition to the game.  

After showing a short trailer revealing the entrance to Brewster’s café, the Roost, the Direct outlined that “new free content will arrive in November.” Though the Animal Crossing section in this month’s Direct was short, Nintendo “will be airing an Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct in October,” packed with details about the upcoming update.  

Praise was received from all around the internet, with multiple fan theories and questions about what will be included. Will there be new furniture and other items? Will Brewster collect gyroids? Who is Brewster?  

For those who cite New Horizons as their first Animal Crossing game, Brewster is a new character. In previous games, he was a muted-green pigeon with a mustache and glasses who owned a coffee shop in the museum. At first, when players speak with his character, he is presented as reserved and does not talk much. However, as he gets to know players more and they become “regulars” at his café, Brewster opens up more and starts revealing his story. It’ll be interesting to find out how the developers of New Horizons will introduce his story to players. It seems like he will be reprising his role as Animal Crossing villagers’ one-stop shop for pigeon milk lattes in New Horizons, once again setting up his café in the museum.  

One of the reasons why fans of Animal Crossing are so excited for Brewster to come to their islands is that his café offers players a chance to have a part-time job in the Animal Crossing universe. Some fans are worn out from playing, and there has been a lack of new content from Nintendo. A job minigame might be just the thing that helps them get back into the game. 

 Another interesting aspect of Brewster’s character is that he collects and hands out gyroids, which are furniture items that each have a unique look, sound, and movement. Nintendo hasn’t officially announced that they will add gyroids to the game, but with the inclusion of Brewster, fans speculate that gyroids will come as a part of the next update, and if not soon after. 

With an entire Nintendo Direct just for Animal Crossing set for October, there are so many other things that could be added to the upcoming update that fans are creating theories about on multiple social media channels. Some fans have revealed that on Thursday after the announcement, they picked up their game for the first time in months in anticipation for the new update. While we don’t know what else Nintendo will release in the update, we at least know that many fans are excited for it. If you are one of the fans that has not played since the last big update (or even if you have),  pull out your Switch from its’ dusty hiding spot and get your island ready to welcome Brewster in November! 

Emma is a freshman film and television production major at LMU. She loves art, music, and nature. She is super excited to be a part of Her Campus!
Hey there! I'm Sophia Villamor, I'm an English major here at LMU, and am originally from the Bay Area. I love all things Disney, makeup, and fashion related.