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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Twitter is my personal favorite social media platform. It keeps me up to date on world news, celebrities, and memes. It is simple to use and has so much content. Scrolling through it also  helps me when I’m stuck in the Starbucks line bored out of my mind. I am always looking for new accounts to follow, and I’m sure there are others like me. So, I am listing some of my favorite accounts and why you should follow them. 


Jameela Jamil

Jameela Jamil stars on The Good Place as Tahani, but her feed covers so much more than that. Jamil’s tweets range from comedic to social justice advocacy. Her perspective on real world issues is very refreshing in our current political climate and she always speaks her mind. She is so authentic and will call out anything or anyone who deserves it. My personal favorite tweet of hers was when she hoped the Kardashians pooped themselves in public after promoting diet teas.


Like the name suggests, this feed just rates adorable dogs. Each tweet is a collection of images, an adorable caption, and a heartwarming rating that is always at least an 11/10. If you love dogs, this is the twitter for you. The account also posts very frequently, meaning you will always have cute dogs on your feed. 


Flo from Progressive

Yes, Flo has a Twitter. I only recently discovered this but am very glad for it. This account is not full of Progressive ads but just cute and relatable tweets, fun pictures, and memes. It’s presented like an actual user which is really interesting. This quirky little twitter is a gem and definitely worth checking out. 


Chrissy Teigen

Teigen’s twitter is similar to Jameela Jamil’s but typically includes shorter tweets about random things. She is politically active and hilarious like Jamil. She also posts about her adorable family and amazing recipes. Her tweets are mainly just trains of thought and are extremely enjoyable to read. Her twitter rants are also iconic such as when she got stuck on an eight hour plane ride from LAX…to LAX. 


Her Campus

Call me biased, but the Her Campus’ twitter is pretty great. It posts memes, funny pictures, relatable tweets, and amazing article links. It’s curated so well that anyone can enjoy its content. And if you’re going to check out Her Campus’ twitter, you should also explore LMU’s chapter twitter. Here you will get links to all our chapter’s articles. 


Ava Calpino

Wisconsin '22

Ava Calpino is a senior strategic communication major at UW Madison. She previously wrote for LMU's chapter. She loves writing, the environment, and cute animals.
Her Campus LMU